Thursday, September 06, 2007


Squirrel Attack Free Zone...

It's their way to trick you!!! Beware the squirrel!!!

he is pissed
and let me just say, they really need to change the name of that show "Lobster Wars", cause it is not at all what you think it is.
wasting my time
not one lobster fight!!!
I heard they had to change the content after the whole Michael Vic thing. Something about the ethical treatment of animals??
the season starts tonight.

Good luck to all!!!!
crap, i gotta get my picks in.
say it publicly and your insane.

Choclate rain
Nuts to you!! Chitter!!

Where r my nutz???
ah, how closely the plight of the skwerl and myself twist
Go Super Beetles!!!!!
Super Beetles Rock!!!!
Who plays tonight?
Is it Kitna? Cause I heard he's going to throw 4td passes.
Or 4 picks.
Or BOTH!!!??? :-
It frightens me.
As do wayward squirrel folk.
Go Jon Kitna!!

Oh wait, that's not right.

Let's just hope that New Orleans uses Reggie Bush sparingly in the backfield and that Deuce McAllister gets all of the carries and TDs. Maybe 4 tds from Joe Addai would be nice to see tonight as well.
Go Sleepers!!!!

or as it would be put to MJO...

...Go to sleep.
cause every time i come around yr city - bling bling
Go to the store!!!!
Go climb a tree!
Cash rules everything around me

get the money, dolla dolla billz ya'll.
Which reminds me...

GO BILLS!!!!!!
and i am glad as all get out to see a blog get over 20 in one day. i have been dying here all summer
I feel so left out.....I will have to get a new job that won't block me. (seems as good a reason as any).
It's Friday morning - hope someone reads this!!!! Pete got Jack's message. Someone will be there to pick him up at 6 - Just call one of our cells to let us know if he stillneeds the ride. PS (of couse, someone will have to forfit Manning's points this's all about the football...)
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