Wednesday, October 10, 2007


Angry Baby is still not to pleased.

The Bills really have Angry Baby miffed.

It's fascinating to think that all around us there's an invisible world we can't see.
I'm speaking of course of the world of the invisible scary skeletons.
i like pictures of explosions
i found a youtube video that is 7 minutes long of nuclear explosions set to some speed metal song. so sweet.
it was like they knew i would be watching
How very bizarre.
Angry Baby has finally lost it.
Hopefully this will help with Angry Baby's explosion problem.
It's nice to see angry baby again.

That is a very angry baby
i saw this on youtube as well. 1/4 a bottle of mountian dew, still the bottle, about 1/4 tsp of baking soda and 3 caps of peroxide. Shake it (and this is the part i am not too sure if i like) it GLOWS!!!
you know how much of that stuff i drinl???
I don't know if you should be drinking that.
ok, i should clarify. I do not drink it with the peroxide in it, but still, when you add peroxide to it, it glows. that still cannot be too good for you.
Does that mean if you drank peroxide, you would glow?
possibly. I do not want to say yes, but i do have tons of mountian dew in me.
i wa sjust given a huge bag of apples, but in exchange, i need to bake some pies to bring to work.
Don't forget the pie tax that you will then owe to me.
Oh delicious pie tax.
Pie tax?!?!?!! Why do i not know about htis?

it seems to me like i should have been collecting for quite some time now.
Don't think I won't collect.
I take pie tax very seriously.
Kind of like bed tax.
I want to know if one refuses to pay bed tax in a hotel, if they would then remove the bed.
most definatly they would. i have seen it.
i also wonder about angry baby. think he is jazzed up on moutian dew, or has he been denied moutina dew and that is why he is pissed.
decisions, decisions.

Do I take a running back or a wide receiver?

I could use either right now.
for those keeping score at home...

The Librals have kept their majority in the Ontario Parliment.

The Progressive Conservatives remain in second

The NDP had 20% of the popular vote and rhe Green Party had 7.6%
(I'm not sure if they actually won any seats in parliment though)
LIB 46 24 70 41.21%
PC 15 10 25 30.90%
NDP 7 5 12 18.22%
GRN 0 0 0 8.27%
OTH 0 0 0 1.40%
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