Tuesday, October 09, 2007


HMMMMM #2 in yards vs #20 in yards...sounds fair...

Maybe the 5 interceptions was a way of Karma getting back at taking advantage of a little brother who has a weakness for kitkats and swedish fish.

Twenty seconds left and we lose on Monday night. Why? Why Bills Why???
Something smells fishy.
My theory is: When you trade for candy, the person being traded for said candy is required (in some sort of vodoo way) to eat all the candy he has been traded for. So, Romo was a little slow yesterday after eating all the fish and chocolate :)

stupid, rab scallion chump monger barbara streisand booger a[douirg[
JB MAD!!!!
I just don't understand!?!?!? :-(
Did all those fans go to sleep???
Black Tuesday.
Apparently Wal-Mart has a code black that locks the store down and does not allow anyone to leave.
It's to boost their sales.
Or if there is a tornado coming.
locks them in? definatly sounds like a sales boost to me.
there is this list of funny things to do at walmart on the internet. well, this dude in canada gets banned for life for this list of offences. when hearing what he did, i recognized it as the list.
ofences included - lurking about singing the mission impossible theme; going into changing room and 5 minutes later yelling "There is no toilet paper in here"; sitting in clothes racks and when people come by yelling "Pick me, pick me!!" etc.
The Super Beetles had their chance at a trade and backed out.

Sometimes the lure of the Kit Kat is strong.
Quickly, because I need to go to work (not too sure about this work thing)

FFS defeats the Rockets by the score of 100 to 71.

Cha Ching goes down in flames to the Bad News Kennelz by the score of 70 to 35 (even T Romo would not have helped the cause)

The Sleepers (with remorse due to the last second heroics of Nick Folk) overcome adversity to triumph over the Freaks by the final score of 86 to 80.5 (I guess without the last field goal, I would have still won by 1/2 a point)

The decepticons hold off the BSOD by a score of 98.5 to 74.5 (why is the Bills running game so poor. OK why is the whole organization from the owner on down totally inept. Oh Wait that is a rant for another time and place. Like my next post)

The Super Beetles fall to the Raiders by the score of 74.5 to 63 (even some oversights on the starting lineups was not enough to hold the Raiders back in this one)

Go Bills!!! (No really, go now so we can stop caring)
take that back about my Bills!!!

i made a pledge by being born in buffalo stating that through thick and thin i shall always support. Like sand through the hourglass, so are the GO BILLS!!!!!
It's not a matter of trading, it's the actual trade that was made. Please, a #1 rated quarterback for a guy who is 2 plays from the bench!?! I think the Commish is taking kickbacks. Oh, wait, it was the commish that made that trade...
Why Bills??? Why????
I can't believe I have to work on a day like today.
You know. Tuesday.
i had 2 good QB's, but i did not want to play some chump from dallas, so, i gave him to a man in need. and his name rhymes with homo. i dont need that
hey commish, are you working some informations seminar tonight athte amherst campus?
i just received a Shrute buck, which, i remind you is not equal to the ratio of unicorns to leprechauns
Uh. No to the working in Amherst tonight.

Are you going there?

I know that they have recruiting sessions about once a month, but I'm only out there on Thursdays now.
I feel hurt on the acqusation of tomfoolery on the trade.

The Deal on the table with the super Beetles was a #7 QB for a #24 QB.

Cha Ching was already past his bye week with his starting QB and felt that unloading his backup QB for a crap load of candy seemed legit, who am I to argue?
I'm not sure about the talk radio guys this morning. They love Edwards, so even though he did not perform well they will not criticize him, instead they are calling for the coach's head.

I can't argue with them for wanting to fire the coach, but who would they replace him with. It's not like Ralph Wilson has a good track record in hiring coaches (Hank Bullugh, Kay Stephenson, Mike Mularky, Greg Williams, need I go on)

This team will never be competitive again while Wilson owns the team. The unfortunate part about that is that the team will not be in Buffalo under new ownership. Aside from a few years in the late 80's early 90's, the Bills have always been at the bottom of the league.
Third and onefrom the Dallas 42, let's try a slow developing reverse. that seems like a good play.

Third and 8 from the 11, up by 8, 4 minutes to go, I think that throwing an out pattern is a good idea. There's not a defensive back in the league that will jump that route.

They run the most Vanilla offense until the situation calls for vanilla and then poof, let's throw tricks at them????

Almost as bad as the halfback option pass that Mike Mularkey called, but I'm not sure anything can actually be that bad.
Really, two games this year lost on last second field goals?

To bad the games wern't 59 minutes and 50 seconds long, the Bills would be 3 and 2 right now instead of 1-4
last one...

If only the defense protected the sidelines on the last two passes of the game. all they would of had to do is make a takle in bounds and instead they all play back and give up the sidelines and let Creighton catch an 8 yrd pass, get out of bounds and set up the game winning field goal.

It was an exciting game and would have been great if the Bills won, but looking back, the Bills Offense was terrible and the coaches did not give the defense a chance at the end. How do you have six turnovers and score no offensive points off of the turnovers.

OK, time to move on.
if the bills had no tthrown the INT or not missed the FG or something. 4 turnovers with no points off of it. The offense had 3 pts. pitifull.
My trade was attached to a tight end trade. Just don't B&M when I start trading my #30 running back for Freaks #2. (Not that he would...but you get the idea)
Someone seems very angry over this trade?
records after week 5

Super Beetles - 4 - 1 465.5
FFS - 3-1-1 549.5
Freaks - 3-2 484
BNK - 3-2 365
Decepticons - 2-2-1 422.5
Raiders - 2-3 434.5
Cha Ching - 2-3 411.5
Sleepers - 2-3 407.5
Rockets - 2-3 394
Black Sharks of Doom - 1-4 365.5
If it is a running back that has been sitting on the bench for the Freaks all year, I don't see how that would be an issue?
Come on commish, that's completely besides the point. Larry Johnson was on the bench, and someone needed a kicker. It seemed you had quite a problem with that one. I'm just saying, don't complain when other trades are made that fit the bill of this one.
look at those Freaks!
That's pretty funny.

It's a tough league to trade in . I've been trying to trade for a QB for weeks and had no offers.
You did so have an offer! You refused it! And then you changed your mind.
Luckily it's all written down on this delicious blog.
Just because your sister is not as willing to roll over as your baby brother...
i may have rolled over, but into a pile of kit kats and sweedish fish.
and again, the guy suct last night.
Why Bills? Why???
This loss seriously upsets me.
but i did have the bad juju from the trade andtalking smack and such and got creamed.
I would probably look the other way if I got a KitKat kick back...
Bad juju rules this league.
nothing worse that bad jujubees
A bag of kitkat bites is in the mail. ;)
I'm still willing to make the Marc Bulger and Kellen Winslow for Shockey and Anderson trade.
I'd rather just get the bag of KitKats for complaining.
so what, now that i have a 3 poubnd bag of kit kats they become currency? sweet!
I'd put Joe Addai on the trade block for a box of fowler's truffels.

Chocolate has more value than bragging rights.
besides, I'm looking up from the bottom right now. I might as well capitalize while I can.
Also, I need that waiver wire blog up.

I still need to cut the dead weight of Duece McAllister off of my team
The Freaks definately are putting up a good show so far this year.
yeah, but not even i think it is a good idea to mess with that kid. he has that look in his eye.
it can be mistaken for cute, but it is Ka-Razy!!

in a cute way.
like, when i am up against him i will play garcia cause i do not want to be harassed by him.
Anytime I see something screech across a room and latch onto someone's neck, and the guy screams and tries to get it off, I have to laugh, because what is that thing.
I want to be the type of guy that when I die, people will say, “That guy owed me a lot of money.”
To me, it's always a good idea to always carry two sacks of something when you walk around. That way, if anybody says, "Hey, can you give me a hand?," you can say, "Sorry, got these sacks.
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