Thursday, October 04, 2007


I invented the widget and the shoe horn.

Don't make me take them away.

I don't know Sleepers. Now I have cold feet. Something about Bulger not playing???
oof. backing out
does anyone else think that the green party will be able to sustain a minority government in Ontario within the next 50 years? cause i do
To Super Beetles: WHAT??

No guts no glory!!
Maybe it's the shoe horn, maybe it's the spicy frijoles negros, but the idea of trading for a QB that doesn't play makes me feel like I might be a chump.
Okay, sure I'm a chump, but I don't want to be an even bigger chump.
Let me look at Garcia, but ask the Sleepers if they have anything else (like Addai ;-) that they might want to trade with.
oop, yeah, spicy
Those Sleepers should have known waiting would bite him in the butt. Bad juju and all.
maybe 49 years, but not 50
New Office tonight!!! WooHoo!!!
Green parties are dead. There are no viable green parties in existence. They were fringe parties to begin with and have never made true inroads except as a place for disgruntled voters to go every few years.

So in short, no.
I'm all up for a green party.

Just tell me when and where to show up
I want to know what Pinky thinks of the green party.
And Hello Kitty. Always involve Hello Kitty.
Bulger is only out this week. Sore ribs. Don't be frightened, he'll be back next week.

Do you really think that an NFL team would use Gus Ferrotte as their starting QB?

Bulger will be back and he will be winging the ball (lack of a running game and all)

The bad juju will be on you when Kitna goes down and Anderson is benched for Brady Quinn.

(oh wait, that's just mean)
The Super Beetles sound like the Black Sharks with their "I'll trade you my backups for your best player"
Really? your backing out of the trade?
and winslow is like a lock for at least ten points a week.

You could use that from your tightend position. Just think how that would solidify your chokehold on the league
Me? I'm just trying to claw my way out of the basement.

You? Looking to run the table.

The sacrifice of a backup QB that sits the bench for a Tight End that plays like a receiver should be a no brainer
Believe me, I would never make this deal if I were in contention right now, but in my lowly position, I need something to spark my team
Exactly, and that's why I'm here to help.
Like BSOD??? What about the Sleepers trying to trade a broken toy for a shiny sparkling new one.
You know Mr. Anderson is pure gold!
And I can't just give gold away for nothing.
I must hoard gold.
Perhaps broken today, but good as new in a week
How about Duece McAllister for Terrell Owens?
How about James and Winslow for Mr. Anderson and Shocky?
You know what happened the last time you didn't jump on a deal...
Then I would be left with no healthy running backs this week.

Unfortunately I can't make that trade
Yo, JB. I'll give you 20 dolla bills and Jeff Garcia for Tony Romo.

What do you say?
throw in a kicker that does not have a week 8 bye and you can have one of mine and you got yrself a deal, cowboy. i was wondering when he would pay off. I am diggin vince young at this point.
and in regards to the green party, i am speaking of canada which has a tendency to vote minority parties into office and have an enviromental vendeta against the us. i think it could happen.
hell, the liberals held a minority party parliment for years.
Perhaps in Ontario because the citizens are hypocrates. But never in the national elections.

Canada makes way too much money off of carbon fuels and softwood lumber to ever go green.

Canada is more dependent on fossil fuels than the US is. If we ever move to an economy based on alternative fuels, watch as the canadian dollar tumbles again like in the 90s when oil was $5.00 a barrel.
If I hear "Facebook" again, I going to scream.

They are using it as a noun, a verb, I think I just heard it used as an adjective too.
All you need is a degree, they don't care how you did.
I have Nate Keading, who has a bye in week 7
he'll be tough to part ways with, but I really need a QB
eh, i could always waiver a dude. I will just trade you romo for garcia. I get the dude with a lisp. gnome sane?
Maybe the US can just annex the Western provinces, leave Ontario and Quebec to fight and argue over the dumbest things in the world and then perhaps bring in NovaScotia as well
Then close our border to people from Ontario, they may be more annoying than Europeans, because at least Europeans have a bit of a reason to be arrogant. Cannadians, No.
Hey man. They are cool. I think we are the arrogent ones that are upset that there is a group of people that will not tollerate OUR behavior and will tell us what is up. We see locally what is felt globably and we get upset.
I bet you can guess who this is by spelling.
The only problem with that argument is that Canada is totally dependent on the US. Canadians then act like the US is a bully. We are not a bully, we are just much larger. Canada needs the US more than the US needs Canada and they resent that.

It is not arrogance on the part of the US, it is more of an inferiority complex on the part of the Canadians
The US as a whole does not bully Canada or even think much about canada. To most Americans, Canada is totally irrelavant and I think that just gets their goat because they want to be noticed.

Kind of like a little annoying kid.
I could continue my diatribe, but alas, it's all been said before.

Go Habs Go!!!
Do you still get risiduals for inventing the shoehorn?

You know a monthly roalty check or something?
I'd feel bad about my previous comments, but I'm sitting in a room full of loud Canadians and find them to be annoying
i find most loud people annoying. BUt i like canada. I just spoke with M. Hamann about the upcomming election. He stated that the greens are as irelavant as you were saying. But in germany, they are acctually in the PM's cabinat. wild stuff.
Isn't he a US citizen, just living in Canada?

The European Green parties have a much longer history and evolved from antiwar/antineuclear parties that had significant structure, not necessarily grass roots organizations. Also "The Left" has deeper roots in Europe.
What is all of that nonsense?

A trade has been made....

The Sleepers trade Jeff Garcia and 5lbs of Sweedish Fish and Kit Kats to Cha Ching for Tony Romo
Now I have Jeffy-boy.
I forgot the super beetles are slacking today. catholic schools. must be the feast of st. garbonzo, born in italy in the late 1200's to a peasant family. he became a merchant only to befall hard times. he was rescued by god and lived a great life. he also considered the founder (hence the patron saint) of ICBM's. St. Garbonzo, he rocks it intercontinental
Sweet, St Garbanzo.

Did they name those little beans after him?
if anyone thought that blogs have gon too far, here is proof

Mustaches of the 19th Century

A Daily Celebration of The Golden Age of Upper Lip Hair.
nice. i was also impressed with the submissions this year at the worlds mustache compotititon in england. makes me want to go all wooly-bully.
or at leawst enough to make a bitchen "overhand twist"
they say the bird flu is mutating faster making it easier to spread. Enjoy the beautiful weather!!!
Hey folks, thank goodness the Canada talk stopped as this was starting to resemble an actual blog.
Lar and some of his school folk are having a mustache contest.
The boys are playing Saturday at the American Legion in Eden if anyone is interested. Tank at 12 and Freak at 2. The weather should be great for it but bring sun screen!
say it aint so Travis
start em sit em Week 5

Get your starting lineups in
When is Bo Scaife going to pick up his game?
and why is Aquin Boldin always injured?
Oh the pressure.

Can't these coaches just say if a player is going to start or not. Don't they know that fantasy owners need to know this vital info?
ps: After checking my e-mail for 2 minutes and looking up a recipe, I realized the only reason for the high speed internet is the OFFL.
i sneezed out sweedish fish. i am so full of sweedish fish and kit kats. i am beginning to think that 6 pounds of sweedish fish and kit kats with my self control may be a liability.
oh jb - I feel a special bond with you. Apparently, self control is located on a particular strand of DNA I didn't get. Seriously, blame the DNA.
well, i think my DNA is all clogged up with red jellied goodness.
Oh the lure of the candied goodness
High speed internet also comes in handy to play Age of Empires.

Really, you can't forget that.
was 3 kit kats too many for breakfast?
all i know is my belly hurts
Only one game is complete, apparently the Cowboys are popular in FF.

In the completed game, the Bad Newz Kennelz defeated the once mighty, now lowly, Cha Ching by a score of 70 to 35. (After the gloating of ChaChing last week saying that their score would have defeated anyone, karma came back with its teeth bared ready to bite. Next time a little humility would be called for)

As for the remainder of the games to be settled.

FFS is trailing by 9 points with a RB, WR and TE playing tonight. It does not look good for the rockets. (I hope FFS remembers to cheer for the Bills tonight and feel a certain sense of pain and guilt when the Cowboys score, I know I will)

The Sleepers are trailing the Freaks by 20 with the newly acquired Tony Romo and Nick Folk playing this evening. (I can only hope that it was candy well spent. seriously six pounds of Sweedish fish and kit kats is a lot of candy. Go Halloween!!)

The Black Sharks of Doom need to see a huge game out of the Bills Marshawn Lynch. BSOD trails the Emoticons by 33 points. An awful lot to ask out of Marshawn, but who knows, maybe there will be a little Monday Night Magic

The Raiders are clinging to a 13 point lead over the Super Beetles, with the Super Beetles waiting for T Owens to show his stuff tonight.
(The Raiders, in what can only be called a lineup blunder, failed to check the bye schedule and started two players who were home watching the games and not playing on Sunday)

Go Bills!!!
Only three??? That is why the belly hurts. YOu needed like six
I will post the win/loss records on Tuesday, after the games are complete
dang. i becha romo gets about a thousand points tonight, too. that is what i get. maybe it is the candy gods reminding me that i need to eat sweedish fish until i pee sweedish red. i have a goal now.
jb, m. vick stopped by looking for you, something about a special water bottle he let you borrow??
oh, right. tell him i lost it at the airport.
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