Wednesday, October 24, 2007


Marty Kroft would be so disappointed.

The outrage!!!!

Although I don't think Sid is very happy either.
And BSOD...flying through the roof.
Upon final review, The Raiders have handed BSOD yet another loss, by the score of 90 to 87.
I have been lost to the dark side.
MJO - come back!! Don't let the dark side consume you!!
man, kind of young for the dark side
and i would be pissed if i were Sid.
Three points???? Poor Jack.
He didn't even want to come in the house after football practice, cause he knew how brutal those two can be together.
poor lil feller
maybe $$$cha-ching$$$ will rock this weekend. you never know. is vince young going to play?
I think he said something about going to a Van Halen concert instead.
so worth it
to see david lee roth in pleather pants twirling a giant flag. super straight thing to do
Dude go with Jeff Garcia. He had a great game Sunday

316 yards and 2tds with 10 yards rushing.

He did better then Romo the (oh wait, that's not right) than Tony the Tiger (I think that may actually be worse)
I apologize for the additional torture that the Black Shark had to face. I'm sure that it was unmerciful.
3 POINTS?!?! Oh, i am so angry. Watch out people-THE WRATH OF THE BLACK SHARKS IS HERE!!!

go BSD!
Don't you have homework to do???
Thank you commish. oh, and by the way, its accountiNg error. not accountig error. my bad.
except the 20,000 page essay that i have to write.
do some work (said the kettle)
someone is in trouble when they get home.
Whne the administrator pulls the mom card, you know there is trouble.
Some hard words on the blog today
In my own defense, the rules do state that the team owners will socre their own games as well as the Commissioner. Had this happened, a lot of pain would have been avoided.

(A lot of pain also would have been avoided if I just didn't put players on your team that you did not have, but, you know....)
liks i have any idea as to what is going on. come on, now!
is this communist russia?
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