Thursday, November 08, 2007


ABC After School Special

Oh dear God! I think I'm dating myself!

The horror.
never mind
you cant back out of a post like taht!!!
now all day i will be wondering what you were going to say
office tonight, which means new creeds thoughts around 2
Phew for a new office. I ran out of them. It's amazing how little one person can accomplish in a day.
I'm still laughin' about Creed. Is someone making soup? It was poo people...poo!!!
good job mo!!
ah creed. like a creepy uncle we all want
This internet thing sometimes creeps me out. Do the superbeetles realize that almost 1200 people with nothing better to do have viewed her profile??? And learned she likes plants??
Hey jb - lay off the aquadots!! (I'm a little confuse dthat instead of reporting the dots turn toxic if swallowed, the brilliant media reported that the dots turn into a date rape drug when swallowed). I don't know how they plan on recalling THAT product.
Maybe it's a social experiment...either way I don't want to be working in an emergency room this weekend.
i saw that! i was like, i thought they tasted familiar
oh also, in regards to the SB's profile, if you click on the pizza hut button, it takes you to the 44 other blogs that reference pizza hut.
That is the reason I have so many interests.
and there are 115 blogs that reference spam, and this one comes up as #2
Just to get more people to click on pizza hut from their page to come to mine.
I'm not really a fan of roads, but I'd like to be viewed by people who may have an interest in them.
The 1200 views is paltry compared to JB's myspace.
I am shamed.
Why don't more people click on roads!!!!
I ask myself nightly.
woo hoo! for new Office!
I had to go check out jb's myspace. No fair. He has 123 friends!!
i do have like over 2200 hits on my myspace. no way am i that interesting. i think it is just cause i still have the most creative myspace photo out there.
take that all you standard "me in a mirror" myspace photos. mine is government issue.
and they are not really my friends.

i love mamoo

viewers like you, thank you

I boycotted the blog yesterday.

I just did not have the courage and headed the warning.
Your right about the aquadots.

I'm sure that college students all over are trying to buy them up.

you could probably buy them on ebay right now
oh, i thought you were boycotting because of the rumor that tom brady tested positive for dope.
That office the other night was classic.

I'm not sure why it made methink of JB though??
but, it was a good idea to stay away yesterday. it was rouhg.
that was a car of a guy that i am pretty sure deserved it!!
I can't get to myspace from here.
I also can't get to Vladvec from here either.
I wasn't gonna tell James about all your friend. 'Cause I'm sure he'd figure someone has a birthday in February.
One of the headings for Aqua Dots is "Aqua Dots flying off shelves!" I'm sure they mean they are taking them off shelves, but it makes it sound like those hippie freaks realize that Aqua Dots are a gold mine!
Wait. What'd I miss??
He was actually only considering the Orrange family, because when we started looking at others, he realized no month was sacred.
oddly enough, I can't seem to find JBs myspace page
It's like a blog explosion when Pumpkin is around!
It's under "friendly sea creatures"
I woke up with one task to accomplish today. Wash the dishes. Good thing this day has 20 hours in it. I'm just pacing myself.
Georgia turns to prayer to ease drought

Maybe they will be divinely inspired to stop watering their lawns??

Or to end the expansion of cities in areas that can not support the population gains??

Really, this is what government officials have resorted to?
that is an ambitious goal. many of days have seen that goal go unmet.
my page can be found by searching for mrbungle777, i think. that may be the address.
cause if you acctually search for my name, other kids pop up that reference me on their pages.
I didn't know that you can see Olivia movin' and groovin' right through my belly. Pete didn't know this either. He has seen Alien too many times for this to be ok with him.
Sweet! I love alien time!
There were times I could see footprints when the boys would kick inside.
Kennedy International Airport reported that an algebra teacher was arrested yesterday when they found on him a compass, protractor, and a slide rule.

They charged him with possessing weapons of Math Instruction....
OMG that is hYsterical.
One of my girls did ask me if I thought she could bring a compass on the plane.
i have some good racist jokes too!

but i digress
Ok, and i got the first post on creeds space again.


sound familiar?
What a way to suck up to the teacher. Uh excuse me teacher....(please picture me with glasses and a Shannon Sharpe Lisp)..Will I get in trouble if I bring me protractor on the plane? I really really really want to take it with me on my vacation... (it seems to work better with a protractor than a compass...I mean I know the compass has the danger factor but the protractor bit is way more nerdlike)
Dude, the last post on the Discount Auto Parts myspace page is, shall we say, interesting??
oh the life of a rock star
saddest cubicle contest
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