Monday, November 19, 2007


Black Monday.


I really thought we could win.
Does that make me delusional?
I think I may be delusional.
Oh, and Chester Taylor????
Stupid sun shining like it's not Black Monday.
share my pain
It's especially because I can't stand Tom Brady, the devil incarnate.
It think I shall now forever refer to him as d.i.c.
"dic" for short
He totally threw randy 4 td's just to one up Owens.
Otherwise I'm sure Randy would have only had three.
i am saddened
but hopeful for the future.
i also hate john madden. not like he had much to talk about, but maybe he could have just shut up for a bit.
His Randy love was putrid.
Lar and I figured he wanted to be his "lover" and the "lover" of the rest of the team as well.
The terms used were not so polite.
And it also brought to mind a very disgusting image.
Stupid Madden.
Madden has loved Randy for a very long time, but last night it was over the top.
yeah, i wished he would stop. he just kept repeating everything too. stupid madden
and i also wanted him to stop talking about chiken wings. he tpold like 3 pointless stories about wings that had no real endings. then i ate them all. then there were no more suicide wings. then i had a coranary
oh, the pain.
i forgot to mention this at jacks party, but the cashier's name when we rented the uhaul was Bruce Smith.
Denegrated as a common cashier in todays society.
When he started talking about chicken wings, I was thinking that he probably ate them all. Then he fessed up to his gluttony.
Stupid piggy Madden.
That I may have something in common with.
Not the Randy love.
The pigginess.
Not that I hate Randy.
He doesn't bother me. It's Tom Brady that I hate.
Can't stand the guy.
In case you didn't know that about me.
The Patriots are Awe....wait for it...some!!!!

Really, was that even a game last night?
And when will coach Juron finally just pull the plug on JP. He can't complete a pass and has no awareness in the pocket.
How many of his passes are underthrown.

and the Yoda quote? (not last night, but before)
And TO did have four tds as well. But I'm sure that the four to Randy was just to show that they were superior.
i hate how jp just takes sacks like they are 4 yrd runs. you would think the guy gets bonuses for them.
much to the chagrin of the black sharks.

Because of the Brady/Moss show, Wes Welker did not catch a TD.

and in a close matchup with the Sleepers, he needed WW to have a bigger game.
turns out, I just can't make a good cup of coffee anymore.
real cool
I am afraid of JB's last post. When I tried to go to that site I was blocked "Terrorist/Militant/Extremist"
it is a crazy DIY page. tag line - macguyver for yr home.
apparently we are only concerned with porn, not whether you can make a laser cutter or a variable high voltage power supply
The safety pin from a paper clip is pretty cool.
I'm always looking for a safety pin but have too many of those paper clips.
I tried to do it, but found my paper clip to be way too weak.
Will attempt again.
smaller paper clip worked, but suggested needle nosed pliers may have been helpful.
There are still four matchups with players in this evenings game (but I'm really not sure any of matchups will be swayed by tonights results)

The only game of the week that is officially in the books is the Sleepers v BSOD. Sleepers claw their way to a 111 to 106 victory. (even with the heroics of Chester and his 37.5 points, the BSOD could not overcome balanced attack of the Sleepers. Oh I was sweating it out last night with WW playing, but alas he was the forgotten man in the pats TD blitz)

FFS has a commanding 107.5 to 60 lead over the decepticons. (the decepticons still have Lendell White in MNF, but I do not think that it will be enough. I'm sure that FFS was glad to have their team back and by team I mean Tom Brady)

The BNK are trailing the Super Beetles 106.5 to 65 (BNK has the Denver defense and a kicker in MNF.)

The Freaks lead the Rockets 91 to 48.5 (Can Jason Elam kick that many field goals?)

And finally

ChaChing is trailing again. The Raiders have the lead 91.5 to 48 (ChaChing has a QB and a RB in tonight's game, but I don't think that Vince Young will do a Tom Brady imitation or that Selvin Young will do a Chester Taylor imitation, but you never know)
I have a feeling if I tried to use this safety pin, I might put a large hole into any article of clothing I may be attempting to pin.
Pretty cool non the less.
I can see where this would be blocked. A recipe for fake cola would have serious detrimental effects on this country

Fakola (cola clone)
Cola isn't actually kola nut flavored. As far as I can tell, it's mostly vanilla and cinnamon. Here's a for…
WHAT THE?!?!?!?!?!?!

I LOST?!?!??!?!

Ohhhhh, i am so doing my own scores.

Go BSD!!!
Go Chester Taylor!!!:-)
Tank gets pretty serious when it's time to do his scores.
He actually took the blame for someone he played yesterday. Ordinarily, he and Lar will just go back and forth with eachother.
my dudes will do it. i have a feeling young is about due for a 5 TD run game.
I'm here till 8
Not good.
Caliente pocket.
I'm actually one of six kids, Catholic. You ever notice people from big Catholic families, they always throw in that "Catholic" after the number? "Six kids, Catholic. Six kids, Catholic." Like if you didn't hear the "Catholic" part, you'd think, "six kids? His mother was a whore. Oh, she's Catholic."
I'm the youngest, too. When you're the youngest of a big family, people are like, "You're the baby, you're spoiled!" The fact of the matter is, when you're the youngest of a big family, by the time you're a teenager, your parents are insane. You're like, "Hey, I'm going roller-skating-" "You're not going roller-skating or you'll end up pregnant like your sister. Why don't you smoke pot and become a lawyer?"
People get burned out in big families, you can even see it in the naming of children. Like the first kid, "You were named after Grandma." The seventh kid, "You were named after a sandwich I had. Now get your brother, Reuben."
Jim is helping me through this difficult time.
i am from a big family. 9 parents.
also, john madden, an offensive line is not underratted if you mention it every 5 minutes as does every other commentator in the leauge. that is all i hear about hte pats, how underratted the line is.
John Madden has eaten too many suicide chicken wings.
I think he may have also eaten some of Al Michaels' fingers.
Stupid Al thinking he was going to get any of those chicken wings.
Madden wants to have relations with Randy while the line holds him down.
madden spent most of today sweating out butter and hot sauce.
and that reminds me, i need to rent sicko.
And I need to rent that one about the sports announcer that takes a leap off of a tall building and lands on the obnoxious quarterback.
Ending with the hilarity of their untimely demise.
And the epilogue would be Randy Moss catching a td pass in the final seconds of the Buffalo Bills super bowl win.
A happy ending for all.

good one.
isnt that the one where Rudy sax the QB? and Radio coaches the Bills?
and marky mark is the cinderella story guy who ends up marrying the waterboy who has been battling his demons as he is mildly retarted and southern (almost the same, if you ask me)
Don't rent sicko. Too upsetting. If you need to worry about something, stick to global warming.
There is an I in team - OFFL style.
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