Tuesday, November 13, 2007


Greyhound Bitterly Disappointed After Finally Catching Mechanical Rabbit

The stunning turn of events has turned the dog-racing world on its collective ear, causing many greyhounds to question the very purpose of their existence.

Will rabbits now have to catch greyhounds?
The possibilities for controversy are endless.
It makes one take stock of what is truly important.
Non mechanical rabbits.
That way if the greyhound catches the rabbit, he either gets a delicious treat or gets mauled by a killer rabbit.
Everyone's happy.
Except Bob Bixby.
But he's never happy.
althouhg, i do like the idea of killer rabbits and of when the dog getys them, it is its own seperate fight.
It's like a super bonus at the race.
good point! like you could put a bet on weather the dog gets the rabbot and then who wins tht fight.
I've been questioning the very existance of greyhounds for years
The quick, "I'm at work and actually busy", edition

Raiders defeat FFS by the score of 83.5 to 53.5

BNK, with their best showing of the year, crush the Decepticons, with their worse showing of the year, 119.5 to 38

The Super Beetles keep rolling with another win, this time over the Sleepers, 143.5 to 88.

BSOD gets another victory defeating the Freaks by the score of 87.5 to 65.

The Rockets defeat chaching by the score of 96 to 57.5

Standings to follow
johnny blaze is not foing too well. cha ching.
Standings after Week 10

Super Beetles - 9-1 - 1075.5
FFS - 7-2-1 - 1025.5
Raiders - 7-3 - 841.5
Freaks - 5-5 - 885
Decepticons - 4-5-1 - 753.5
Sleepers - 4-6 - 856
Rockets - 4-6 - 768
BNK - 4-6 - 752.5
BSOD - 3-7 - 744
ChaChing - 2-8 - 696
Looks like the top is being solidified and the bottom is a muddled mess.

The next couple of weeks will be interesting (I just really hope that I don't have to play the Super Beetles again, or FFS)
Chaching! What happened?!?!?
I do think BSOD will be happy though.
why, is he going for the bottom? cause, i think i just sealed the deal.
and having to get rid of travis due to drugs. that is the risk i run picking up dopers.
blah blah. so, does anyone want to trade teams for a bit? my front office is horrible. they do not pay attention, they never want to draft, a bunch of bums, i f you ask me.
The front office is alway the problem.
Are you sure Marv isn't your GM?
And some old freakish guy is really your owner?
Poor Molly Pumpkin must actually be working today.
right? i noticed the lack of Mo and figured she is back to fighting crime.
Hope someone reads this.
I hope you understand the horror!! Looking at the blog all day....waiting for someone to say something....not being able to say anything. It just wasn't right. My whole chi was off. No wonder I didn't get anything accomplished.
I won't even comment on the FFS score this week. (that doesn't count).
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