Tuesday, November 06, 2007


It's an unbelievable river of nuts!

I don't know what to do about it.

It's unbelievable.
In case you did not get Mary Ruth's e-mail. Holiday schedule:
Wednesday - spaghetti
Thursday - turkey

She needs a head count as to who to expect. If you don't have her e-mail address, let me know I will get it to you.
stupid steelers. every guy got like 2 TDs except my guy and kris' guy. JB MAD!!!!!
cause i think jack beat me
Final Week 9 scores

FFS - 84.5
BNK - 39.5

Sleeper - 117
Decepticon - 58.5

Freaks - 76
SB - 129

ChaChing - 51.5
BSOD - 91

Rockets - 65
Raiders - 72
Jack will be so excited!
Tank will be unbearable.
More so than if he lost.
You should have heard the two turkeys going at it yesterday.
man, that is rough.
whos dinner am i making?
Holy cow! Jack got a crushin' in.
Hey JB - it's not that I'm not routin' for ya, but I would be uber excited for another party at your house.
ps - it really is an unbelievable river of nuts.
remember, vote regan. he supports jellybeans.
What a wonderful surprize to have Punkin' here again today!
Are you home or no longer blocked?
If you tell me no longer blocked, you will no longer have an excuse.
So you may want to lie.
yeah, right? go Pumpkin!!!
There was really a story about an unbelievable river of nuts somewhere.
It was on the weather channel.
I am home for lection day. 'cept I'm also home sick. Apparently I have the day off because I'm suppose to be campaigning for someone. But I didn't think about the jellybean guy until too late.
Did you see that the Bills will now get a chance to beat that snot nosed brat in two weeks on Sunday night?
Poor Punkin' :-(
What you need to do is focus your energy on the Bills Whooping up on those pansy @$$ Patriots and sending Brady home like a crybaby.
Did I tell you that even though I'm blocked I figured out a way to view the posts, except horrifyingly so, I can't post myself. (I think I did tell you this but I have to say it again). No hell worse for me that being unable to comment. I figure it's a conspiracy.
That is a conspiracy!
And probably against me!
(on that whole, they are all out to get me theory.)
I'm just a little worried about Lee Evans getting all those points against the old man defense. I will not hear the end of this.
Sure, you can pretend the Patriots are an American team, but the real American team resides here in the land of the Buffalo.
Dropping Lee -- bad
Lee getting 350 yard and 5 td's to beat the Patsies -- really good!!!!
USA! = chant FOR Buffalo Bills
Putting fingers on top of head, yelling "DEVILS" = chant for Patsies.
nuts to that river of nuts!
Super Beetles, I'm coming for you!

(said in John Rambo's voice. Come on you all know the scene from Rambo II. After being tourtured and beaten, they have him on the mike and he's all like "Murdoch.... (long pause) I'm coming for you!" Then he proceeds to do the impossible by breaking out and going after Murdoch.

Well, that's what will happen this weekend. The Sleepers will pull off the impossible and defeat the Super Beetles!!

(maniacle laughter)
As the big guy used to say.

Remember to vote early and vote often today.

PS - Is mom running?
Vote "none of the above"
mom is running. unopposed, but running none the less.
i have been telling everyone to vote early and vote often. i just get funny looks.
It really is not a good day for running. Although I am against running at any time.
As i now have TWO wins, all other opponets of mine can turn in their concessions via the blog or phone.

GO BSOD!!!!!!!!
The confidence always gives me a grin.....
Does anyone know what she is running for?
Seriously JB - Dessert party at at your house. I know you have become the king of the pastries!! (ps - I did have to say stawberry shortcake to spell it right).
Did she decide to be highway superintendant this year?
I'm trying to ignore the school day post...
Last night Pete ran for the popcorn...I had never seen him move so fast. I would run for a cookie.
When you say "I'm coming for you" does that mean you are coming to help me out? Like " don't worry SB! I'm coming for you!"
Because if that's the case...thanks!
I will run for...nevermind. I will not run.
What, have you never seen RamboII?

Definately not to help you out.

It definately carries connotations of the "out to get you" variety
sweet, BSOD blogging from school.

Oh wait, bad BSOD. You should really be focusing on schoolwork.
i think mom is running for rambo. she with be the north collins rambo. killing without remorse as the country she so bravely served has made her expendable.

it means, like if i was invited to aparty and didnt show up, it wouldnt be a big deal.
quit getting mouthy, balogna
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