Friday, November 09, 2007



I fashioned a tent out of my pants.

It's a good think Dwight was there.
Except when he hit Michael on the head with a shoe.
Or aimed the gun at him with the safety off.
My favorite moment was when Pam asked Jim "conference room?"
And of course Creed inhaling his Peach Cobbler like he hadn't eaten in days.
Which, who knows, he may not have.
why cant you let me have one cathartic experience in my life?
i just loved dwights look when he pulled the sword froim the ceiling
And the blow dart from the toilet
Dwight is sweet!
i was impressed with dwight last night. he let us know that michael is not impervious to damage.
I had to rewind Dright hitting Michael with the shoe three times. Then I had to go to the ER cause I was laughing too hard. I'm gonna go watch that again. You should be unsonscious.
too funny
i saved jims life with a can of mace i had taped tio the bottom of my desk. i say it is better to be accidentally hurt by someone you know, then by a stranger
That's what she said.
very good my young ward.
For all the days I want to say this but can't.......HAPPY FRIDAY PEOPLE!!! (It is Friday right??? It only took me 2 days to lose track of date, month, what normal people accomplish in a day, etc.)
It is possible that when the time comes, me an Livvy might need a daily reminder to get out of our pajamas.
Even though I think this whole internet thing is the creation of the devil and Al Gore is only working on this "Save the Planet" project to make up for helping him along(bear with me folks, the joke only works if Al created the information superhighway...also note that I made the devil a man..sorry), it does seem to be a highly effective use of time for those of us who do not want to clean.
oh, Livvy!
How cute!!!
You will find no judgements from me on not getting out of yr PJ's/. on my days off, it is a miricale if i even get into my PJs.
one of the last days i took off, as my landlord works with me, he stopped home with another coworker to feed his dog. i was sitting in the backyard in mesh shorts, thats it. when i got to work the next day, somehow everyone knew my toenails were painted blue.
Now that is what I consider an A+ water cooler topic. You just raised the bar.
Happy Friday to you as well!
I think Pete thinks its a problem that I watch cooking shows all day and yet still don't cook anything. I figure just in case...
tell him yr watching for the entertainment value. like Yan Can Cook, that show rules, and i do not think that i have ever made anything he has spoken about.
Jim Gaffigan has a good bit on how watching the cooking channel when you are hungry is like watching food porn.
I do love food. I even enjoy watching people make food. But you ever notice that the food network is far more interesting when you’re hungry? When you’re full you’re like, “This is stupid.” But when you’re hungry the Food Network’s like porn. You’re like, “Oh, yeah, whip it up baby. Make it for me.” It is a little embarrassing when someone catches you watching the Food Network.
What are you watching?”
Uh, the food Network
“Well why are your pants off?”
“I, I like food?” “A lot?”
Oh dear me! I can't even read Jim Gaffigan without laughing.
I can just hear his voice and see his pale face...
Something about him just cracks me up.
hot pockets
I wish I knew who that was....but seeing as I have this information box at my fingertips, methinks I'll go google him.
OMG!! My back hurts.
I hope it's from laughing.
death pockets
Take out of package. Place directly in toilet.
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