Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Save the Whales!

They are great to eat after dinner.

Happy Tuesday!!!
Oh, and what a glorious Tuesday it is.
so, i have some stats that my brother may find disturbing and further solidify his veganism. did you know that the US produces 40% of the worlds corn, of that, only 1% is sweet corn. 15% is exported and 50% (thats right 50%) is used for animal feed.
i like to watch the history channel
I'm a vegetarian.
but not a strict vegetarian
I eat beef and chicken and pork
but not fish, cause that's just disgusting.
i do not eat game unless it was killed with someones bare hands or a nail gun.
oh, and my new running back got hurt last night. sweet. he was doing well, too.
and young should have had 2 more TDs, but his receivers suck.
Not done with the scores, my illness has clouded my mind and I failed to send the partial scores to myself here at work to complete them.

Not sure if it would matter, but I'll try to finish at some point today, if not definately when I get home tonight.

Yeah, that's right. Using the illness as an excuse. It has to be good for something.
Now the figures may be disputed, but are probably pretty accurate.

Upwards of 60% of cultivated land in this country is used for raising animal feed. Add to that the amount of land used for grazing and raising animals and we could reforest an awful lot of area, a billion hectares or so.

That would go a long way to reducing the world's carbon footprint.
square miles of land per kilogram of food produced.

Beef - 20.9
Pork - 8.9
Eggs - 3.5
Milk - 1.2
Fruit - 0.5
Vegetables - 0.3
about one-third of the raw materials used in America each year is consumed by the farmed animal industry
mmmmmmmm........meaty food stuff
mmmmmmmm.....pork pie
that pork pie joke was a good one. he knew at work.
well, i feel that we need that deforested land to set up solar panales. if you covered one tenth of nevada (a wasteland anyway) with solar panels, it would provide power for the entire country. there is nothing there now anyway.
1/2 of the water used in the US is used for livestock production
not to mention the amount of methane produces by cattle and that methane is actually the most dagerous of the greenhouse gases.
your right about the solar pannels and with the next generation of solar pannels it will probably accutually become efficient.

btw... LasVegas should invest in it now. That is perhaps the most wasteful city in the world.
search for skystream 3.7. it is a personal windmill that i have been researching in case i ever build a house. 12 grand and you have power forever. also, millers, that webpage from yesterday shows you how to make fire logs out of coffee groupds and crap. not acctually crap, but you get the point
all of these thing make me want to go into electrical engeneering.
Sweet! Crap logs!
that is what i say when something bad happens.

or, my new fav thanks to the simpsons,


we have gone too far. seriously, i feel ill.
No wonder there are so many crack addicts.
Children don't know to eat their pipes after each use.
Also, replace heroin addiction with cookie addiction.
As I sit here finishing off a box of Samoas (cookies, not native americans...that would just be gross...and not as tasty) I am thankful to my generations cookie monster for being such a good example.
I may have the problem that my cookie pieces do not fall onto the ground as I munch furiously on them, but into my stomache.
Ache as in the ache I feel after eating the whole box.
In a good way.
And it doesn't impair my driving.
Unless I fall into that diabetic coma they were talking about.

it just seemed weird to me that people now are so easily upset. there are going to be generations of chumps that have no idea how to handle the real world. i can already see it in a lot of new people that apply here. i may not have the best work ethic, but i can at least handle the critisism that comes along with it. and i thank allister cookie for his pipe eating ways and satirical sarcasm.
i feel a samoa or 7 actually clears my mond and allows me to focus better.
It always bothered me that people could see Snuffy, but no one sees my friend Georgette.
She's right there for crying out loud!
Can't you here her screaming at me????
Always yelling at me to just finish off the box!
i get ya.
i have Todd. He is always talking to me in his surfer voice telling me to be more extreme. jump off this, rail that, huff the blue stuff, burn this or that down. no one sees him though. i even had him supeanoed in my arson case, but no record of him. weird.
Final scores

FFS 107.5 def Decpticons 66
Super Beetles 106.5 def. BNK 92
Sleepers 111 def. BSOD 106
Freaks 91 def. Rockets 59.5
Raiders 91.5 def. ChaChing 79
standings after week 11
(only 3 more regular season weeks)

Super Beetles - 10-1 1182
FFS - 8-2-1 1133
Raiders - 8-3 933
Freaks - 6-5 976
Sleepers - 5-6 967
Decepticons - 4-6-1 819.5
BNK - 4-7 844.5
Rockets - 4-7 827.5
BSOD - 3-8 850
Cha Ching - 2-9 775
oh, come on!!
come see the violence inherent in the system!!!
help, help, im being oppressed!!!
Did you see that?
You saw him repressin' me didn't you?
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