Monday, November 05, 2007


Stupid Tom Brady!

But I'm more mad at you, PAYTON!
You and your Colts blowing that lead!
You should know better!
These are the Patriots that we are talking about!
A lead means nothing!

Very upsetting.
But the Bills won!!!
GO Bills!
Why all of this hostility against the Patriots?

Why do you hate perfection?
What couldn't Adrian Peterson get just four more yards and go over 300?

A measly 296 yards rushing.
The Raiders and Rockets have a great stake in the MNF game tonight.

The Rockets have a slim lead, 59.5 to 55, going into tonight's game.

The Rockets have Willie Parker playing and the Raiders have the Baltimore defense and Heath Miller yet to play. Should be a close one
The other four games, although not finished, are done.

Two that are complete are as follows

FFS has handed another loss on to the Bad NewZ Kennelz by the score of 84.5 to 39.5 (Adrian Peterson would have defeated BNK on his own. And really, could FFS have had more players in last night's game? BNK's most productive player was Bironas, the kicker. This does not usually lead to good results)

The Sleepers crushed the Emoticons by a score of 117 to 58.5 (that's right 117. The Sleepers in a brilliant move acquired Lee Evans off of waivers and was rewarded with 21.5 points. And with Indy's only weapon being Joe Addai, it ended up in a good week for the Sleepers. And the Decepticons, no production out of their QB and a combined 16 points out of their three wide receiver set. What has happened to Steve Smith?)

Two games that are not quite complete...

The Super Beetles have defeated the Freaks by at least 121 to 76 (The Super Beetles can add to the total this evening with a kicker in the MNF game. Really, Adrian Peterson? This guy seems unstoppable.)

ChaChing looks to be going down to the BSOD. BSOD leads this matchup by a score of 78.5 to 48.5. ChaChing has a receiver in MNF and BSOD a RB. (It would seem that BSOD has been able to get their second win of the season, but with the kind of luck BSOD has had, I am not ready to call this game)
I like when MJO wakes up the Commish - it means that we get our scores early :)
but seriously, losing to jack. that is rough.
Help me Tom Brady. You're my only hope.
But the phote does look pretty cool on my screen.
Doh! Meant to pay attention to the waiver last week. I got in some trouble for letting Evans go. Woops!
stupid tom brady
How very exciting to see so many people here this Monday morning!
Apparently MJO is still on Daylight Savings time.
Just like Spike the dog and LRM.
LRM took off today, yet was still up bright and early to harass those of us who still had to venture outdoors.
i hate morning people
it seems like they have nothing better to do than to harass those of us that are still asleep
I can imagine lrm is viscious in the am. And Tank pretty sleepy. I can also imagine this makes quite a combo.
Did you see Drew Brees this week. If only he had saved his strength for week 10. C'mon!!
i was almost upset last night about the colts, but i had to remember, GO BILLS!!!!

thats what is important
The Colts?? Really?? I think maybe this OFFL has me a little jaded 'cause I was so routin' for NE. During halftime Shannon Sharpe called the NE defense old men and I was morally outraged. but then I thought that if Shannon Shapre has to go through life with that lisp and all those ss's in his name, I really can't hold it against him. Seems he's already been punished.
Ah, Mo. Yr insights cure my moday blues!
But, rooting for NE is sacreligious while haveing a hometown team in the AFC east, so i may have to disown you like i have that guy who used to be my brother. he is lucky he hates anna nicole smith
It's really not my fault. This fantasy football league has completely redefined my concept of tems and leagues. I didn't realize performance had implications greater than the man. Teams???Divisions??? What??? What I really meant to say was...GO BILLS!!
see, thats better.
A serious travesty of mankind.
I mean Tom Brady.
In other words, a debased or grotesque likeness.
a mockingly undignified or trivializing treatment of a dignified subject
Johnny Blaze, you have not yet elected to publicly share your Profile.

If you're a Blogger user, we encourage you to enable access to your Blogging profile!
You seem to be burlesquing your role as a blogger.
I love thesauruses. Is that a word? Maybe. I have a strong devotion to thesausreususes.
I was just gonna say that. 'cept I wasn't sure if Johnny Blaze did not elect to share his profile with the public or specifically his sisters....
ok, funny story as to why it appears that i am a "blogger" member. at my work, we have a google account so that i can manage an agency wide calaner. it keeps me signed in for weeks at a time, but it somehow assumed that i was johnny blaze, so i am not really a blogger, but i seem to be signed in as my work. so, i have no blog, let alone one to hide. and you know i would share it as i would post some wild stuff. and get us flagged for something unpatriotic. like screw tom brady!!! very un-patriotic
so, the pats are saying the colts cheated. blah blah, but the way someone noticed was funny. they said it sounded like the crown noise skipped. heheheh i would love to hear that.
Pumping in crowd noise. How terrible.
I noticed something funny with the sound as I was watching the game and just thought it was the TV, but then on the radio they replayed it and wanted to blame the Colts for cheating?
Cheat all you want, the Colts still blew a 10 point fourth quarter lead.
Right, I forgot to thank FFS for Lee Evans.

Thanks FFS.
Mr. Evans will be a welcome addition to the Sleepers as we make our final push to the playoffs (or at least our final push to stay out of the bottom four)
see, that is why i disown3ed you. pats sympathizer. how you gonna play the bills like that? rooting for the rival .
and leave us bottom 4 alone.
Only 5 more weeks left of the OFFL regular season and I have to play the Super Beetles this week.

I really do not hold out much hope to scratch back into contention, but if I can just stave off the emotional embarrassment and heartache of being in the bottom four....
no offense to those who may currently be in or may end up in the bottom four.
Oh wait, perhaps I did mean to offend.

Ha ha.
why i outta....
Stupid Payton can't even cheat right against Stupid Tom Brady.
I resemble that remark.
I take pride in being the ultimate loser in our OFFL league. Does anyone remember who came in 6th or even 3rd? No. But you do remember who the ultimate loser was each year.
I apologize as OFFL league is a bit redundant.
But what was I to do.
I blame Stupid Tom Brady!
like saying old adgage. old is inherant.
Is your screen name really Johnny Blaze at work??? I get a full belly laugh for that one.
Speaking of bellies, I was at the baby doc today and my little girl is doing all the things she's supposed to. "cept apparently hating Tom Brady. I guess that will just have to come with time.
I will teach her. I will teach her well.
i have yet to find out how the name got added, but i sign in with the agency sing on and it says, hello, JOhnny blaze. i just hope everyones does not show up like thata!
and pretty impressive for a monday. over 60.
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