Monday, December 03, 2007


I think I'm allergic to Hamburg.

The whole town is full of dander.

That dander stuff is messing with my picture!
Stupid dander.
All is well
I was ready to go home.
Darn it.
no work closure on account of prettieness.
GO BILLS!!!! (barely)
fiannaly, we win one in the last seconds.
That was such a wickedly awesome win!
And then when I type that I feel badly because of their loss.
And because it will probably just mean a worse pick in the draft.
Not that it matters, cause really, Marv would just pick ronald mcdonald if he had the first pick.
When everyone knows the King is where it's at.
I'll be honest (not that I was lying before) it serves dobo right for trying to freeze our kicker.
indeed it does, and proves his senility
how was toronto?
So ChaChing, I'm starting to do the scores and you sat V Young for J Garcia and Garcia did not play.

I'll put Young back in.

I'm not sure that it is a good move on my part.

I'm a bit concerned that I may lose to chaching again
well, my pinky ring wort about fitty, bling bling.
I may go back on my word
Toronto was good.
I had difficulty understanding their language.
A horrible language barrier between our two countries.
That and their money is funny looking.
And it was quite upsetting when Canadians would tell me to tell their fellow canadians to shop at home.
I would tell them to do it yourself! and tell those piggies to stop leaving piles of clothing in our malls.
And it was quite upsetting to get pulled over at the boarder.
I guess I shouldn't have shouted about the # of mj in the back.
But I was the only one who could speak some canadian in the car.
pwned, I was
The ruling on the field has been overturned.

ChaChing will not be able to insert Vince Young into the line up.

With Vince Young

ChaChing 97.5 - Sleepers 80.5

Without Vince Young

Sleepers - 80.5 - ChaChing 75.5
The rest of the scores may have to wait until I regain my composure.

This losing to Chaching has affected me in ways I'll never be able to comprehend.
technically, i asked to switch the day after the lineups were in, so my switch of young to garcia was illegal. looks like my laziness may work out.
and jen, glad to here you are considered dangerous and got pulled over. i always do but i try to get citus fruits over.
and, when they ask me if i have any guns drugs or fireworks, i say, why, what you need
LaZinEsS Rox!
You can always use the excuse that you didn't know what they were talking aboat.
Silly Canadians.
I think it is unfair that lineups had to be in before all injury reports were out.
I also think that since I let her son use my shower that the Super Beetles be required to be lenient on me and allow me to choose 2 players from their team to be on my team before scores are done this week.
I'm sure my players unintentionally scored points against you.
oh, and ps, i also feel that i am allergic to hamburg. and the chumps that it contains.
Super Beetles -123
Decepticons - 72.5

Not sure if inserting anyone else in in the stead of Larry F would have made a difference

You can take up the injury report thing during the winter owner's meeting. I'm sure that you can work it out there. (OK, I'm really not sure that you will be able to work it out)
So, I'm watching the Sunday Night Football game (actually, I switched back to itfrom something else) and John Madden says "blah, blah, blah"

That is what he actually says. Everyone usually just hears that when he is speaking, so I guess he can now get away with it. Even he knows he has nothing to say.
early returns

(just scores, no commentary. I have an MJO around my neck)

BNK defeats Rockets 83.5 to 57.5
(bnk still has a TE going this evening. And really, the Rockets score over 100 last week vs the Sleepers and then 57 this week. I have bad fantasy football karma)

Cha Ching defeats the Sleepers 97.5 to 80.5 (Two losses to ChaChing this year? that is all I have to say about that)

Super Beetles defeat the Emoticons 123 to 72.5 (who would have thought that line up would be unstoppable? and even with Tory holt's 18 points and the Bills D's 16 points on the bench)

FFS leads BSOD by the score of 86 to 47.5 (FFS still has Brady and BSOD still has Willis McGahee and Wes Welker. Sorry BSOD, I think this one is over)

Freaks trail the Raiders, 52 to 80.5 (Freaks better hope for a strong showing from their D and Randy Moss to miss the game with the flu. Again, sorry Freaks, but this one looks over as well)
Are you sure that he wasn't saying "I want Randy Moss to make mad passionate love to me"?
That's usually what I hear when he says that.
But sometimes it's "I ate all the chicken wings and some of Al Michael's fingers"
It's hard to tell the difference when his mouth is full.
And it usually is.
i did see that madden line!! i lost my sh*t. he also made one of his, "ROthlesburger changed his shirt 4 times last game cause when you wipe yr hands on a wet shirt, you get wet hands."
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