Tuesday, December 04, 2007


My new band name...

LĂ–ded Diper

If I were to have a band.
Picture problems again.
A sure sign I need to go home.
You can not tell me Tom Brady is not giving something to someone in the netherworld.
Namely the devil.
And that which he is giving cannot be mentioned on this blog lest I be flagged.
Seriously, that only should happen to the Bills.
Like the saying goes, good teams find a way to win.
that is bull!! he sold his soul.
and i now also hate espn. every TD, they would just show brady and belachek. i was like, you could show teh qb and coach of the team that scored.
oh well, i suppose it is just a game.
Final scores

FFS defeats BSOD 106 - 72

BNK defeats Rockets - 85.5 - 57.5

Cha Ching defeats Sleepers - 97.5 - 80.5

Raiders defeat Freaks - 100.5 - 57

Super Beetles defeat Decepticons - 123 to 72.5
But you have to admit that if the Pats go undefeated it will be a good feeling to watch Don Schula's face.

That guy is worse that Belicheck.

He shows up to the game just to watch the Pats lose?
That's why I'd show up.
Even angry baby isn't working!
I am so angry!
I would actually like Miami's streak to be over, but not like this.
Not Tom Brady.
It's like the hot dog eating champion being someone not from this country.
It just doesn't feel right.
Thank you Joey Chestnut!
Standing after Week 13

Super Beetles - 11-2 1398
FFS - 10-2-1 1382.5
Raiders - 9-4 1111
Freaks - 7-6 1149
Decepticons - 5-7-1 1001
Sleepers - 5-8 1147.5
Rockets - 5-8 995.5
BNK - 5-8 990
BSOD - 4-9 1011
Cha Ching - 3-10 936
So as a true Bills fan, who should be despised more?

Brady or Schula?
week 14 schedule

FFS v Rockets
BNK v Cha Ching
Sleepers v Freaks
BSOD v Decepticons
Super Beetles v Raiders
So ChaChings two highest weeks?

Week 4 111.5 points
Week 13 97.5 points
Next highest - 79 points
averaging around 50 points

Two highest weeks? that's right against the Sleepers.

What's with that?
I was all set to defeat the Rockets and ChaChing and then play the Freaks for the final playoff spot, now I'm going to have to win just to stay out of the bottom four.

come on ChaChing, you need to win this week to take some of the pressure off
Dolla Dolla Bills, Ya'll!
I'm all about living and hating in the moment.
looks like the top four are set.

It is just a battle between four teams for the final two loser bowl spots
oh, and i really like that band name. i am willing to start a partridge family-like thing with the fam to get a band with that name going.
Hula Schula? I don't even know who that is anymore.
and i hate both the pats and the dolphins.
can he swing a sack of doorknobs?
Yeah! Angry baby picture!
I hope everyone can see that.
doesn't anyone remember the 70's

Don Schula controlling the refs

The Bills not beating the Dolphins in 20 straight games?

At least Brady is not as full of himself as Schula was and is.

Belicheck maybe.
Angry Baby could be our spokes person.
That's one angry baby
come on, jump on the Pats bandwagon
I still can't see how anyone can like the Colts.
That may be my least favorite team in the league. I haven't liked them since they relocated from Baltimore.

And even then I may not have liked them.

You know, Schula coached the Colts at one time. Reason enough right there not to like them
and could that Manning guy be in any more commercials?

Can't he just take a break.

Go Patriots
I ADORE the Colts and Peyton Manning.
I think it's because of the laser rocket arm thing.
I don't even know who this Schmula character that you keep blathering about is.
No. You don't Adore the Colts.

You've been brainwashed into thinking that you do by all of the subliminal messages in the Peyton Manning commercials. It's just Madison Avenue advertising firms that have convinced you that you like them.

Break free from the chains of the advertising world and denounce the Colts.
It is all part of a larger conspiracy led by Peyton's father Archie Manning.

I think that guy is part of the Illuminati. That guy is freaky.
I can't stand Eli though.
I'd hit him in the back of the head with a broom.
Brady I would cross to the other side of the street and pull out my holy water.
Peyton I would scream like a girly girl and then faint.
Did you like that girly girl stuff? I thought that was a good touch.
i like payton because of the commercials. he has a sense of humor about himself. common!! that mustache!!!
i will concur about archie being part of the illuminati. ps , we wrote that twice in a blog. we are being watched.
That mustache is SweeT!
And yes, we are being watched but that's more because of Ming.
Damn you Ming Tram!!!

I swear, if she was not great at face kicking, i would whoop her!
Even JB has been bamboozeled by the Madison Avenue Cartel???

What have we come to
speaking of mustaches....

Does the old ball coach still have his stache?

Did he win the contest?

I have to say, that stache was sweet.
Blasphamey! you stating that i have been ba,boosaled by madison ave!!
please notethat the aforementioned commercial was selling cellular phones. who in this family has yet to get one? that's right JOHNNY BLAZE!!!
johnny blaze, aside from food, has not bought anything in, i would guess, 2 years. he buys locally and steals everything else.
crap. i shouldnt have said that out loud. i guess i did buy an ipod, but it was not for me.
An ipod.

tsk, tsk
I am SO mad that I actually got one. Does it count if I don't use it?
I really wanted to be one of the last people in the world.
It was seriously one of my favorite things to respond "I don't have one" when people asked and to see the look on their faces.
Like I was an alien.
Although that could have been the pajamas I was wearing in the bank that day.
Or the ring of chocolate around my lips.
From eating all the candy from their comp bowl.
Don't leave it all out if you don't want me to eat it all.
So seriously, let's get back to this Loded Diper band thing.
I call cow bell.
But I wouldn't say no to the triangle.
i call ham bone!
i also love the looks on peoples faces when i say i do not have a cally, like it was a spleen or something.
i always say, i have nothing that is that important to say (as evidenced by my blogging)
i betcha (you need to use that word if yr in loded diper) one of yr boys would play washboard.
Do you smell that?
We are Loded Diper!!!
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