Friday, December 14, 2007


What do Mormans really believe???

I bet they think Harry Potter is fake.

Happy Friday!!!!!
Happy Friday to you too!!! I so wanted a snow day today. Darn snow stopping overnight!
oh man, mormons.
on a friday.
but hey! Happy friday!!!
Do Mormans believe in Happy Friday?
I suspect not.
I need this picture to be my Christmas card.
Jesus riding into town on a dino.
Probably would have been better were it a leopluradon.
A magical leopluradon.
i have already emailed that pic around. it is good stuff.
and mormons do believe n happy friday, but it happened once in the middle east and then again years later in america.
Do mormans believe in Mike Huckabee?
Is there anything worse (OK, I know that I am using Hyperbole here) then buying a cup of coffee and then sitting down to drink it and it is full of grounds?

That does not make for a happy Friday
oh, man. i hate the ground cup. sometimes, i will not even notice until i have that crap in my mouth and then i want to gag. the only thing worse, is getting the ol' decalf switch-eroo
that makes me want to kill.
why do people mess with me like that?
they know how i get without coffee!
Finding out there's no more Diet Coke. That's worse.
And realizing the a button on the keyboard isn't working. That really sucks.
the worst for me was finding the man of my dreams and then realizing he was an 18th century fictional character.
Oh boy, isn't that a kick in the face?

Rough games for the leading teams
The one trick pony was held in check and the Freaks take a 91 to 51.5 lead into MNF. (OOOFFF, that hurts. T Brady held to 2 points. And the Pats defense comes through big yet again for the Freaks. Not sure if a kicker and the Vikings defense can come through with 40 points)

the Super Beetles trail the Raider by a score of 70.5 to 32.5 (The Super Beetles still have J Shockey playing tonight and A Peterson and the Bears D on MNF. Peterson came through with 43 points before, so there is still a faint glimmer of hope. They should make them all play in domes. That Bills/Browns game was a joke. I can't believe a score of 70 is going to hold up in the playoffs)

ChaChing comes though in a big way squeaking out a 93.5 to 91.5 victory over BNK (A couple of zeros on the tally sheet hurt BNK. That Philly D definitely had a lot to do with keeping ChaChing out of the toilet. Perhaps good karma stemming from the Romo trade, he comes back to throw three ints when ChaChing needs it most. It is either that or he is distracted by that Simpson girl (Romo is distracted, we all know ChaChing is always distracted). I know I would be)

Rockets and BSOD are in a dead heat (not just a statistical dead heat, but an actual one) tied at 58 (BSOD is waiting on Chester Taylor in MNF and Rockets await results from S Moss in tonights event and B Berrian on MNF. This one will be another close one. At least the playoffs for the toilet bowl are competitive)
Happy Monday
Happy Monday!! Story of the Day :)

When a 27-foot-long, 11-foot-tall vehicle – known to most as the Oscar Mayer Wienermobile – was slowing traffic in a construction zone in Arizona, an officer ran its “YUMMY” license plate to make sure it was street legal. A bad computer entry erroneously showed the Wienermobile as having stolen plates, forcing the officer to pull it over. After further investigation, the officer learned that the entry should have read that license plate had been stolen – but only if found on any vehicle that isn’t a giant hot dog.
That Brian Westbrook falldown at the goal line turns out to be the play of the year in the OFFL league.
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