Wednesday, January 09, 2008


All Hail Sanchez!!!!!

I love it when a plan comes together.

How could anything be wrong with vacuuming?
I hope I got the JB house hold as well.
I feel it was unfair that it was discussed before he could open his mail.
Jack helped with the addressing of the envelopes, to keep the illusion of subterfuge.
I'm very upset to have missed all the hub bub yesterday.
I am glad there was hub bub.
ok, so at the JB house, my card was not addressed to me, and me not likeing to break the law, as it were, did not open it. Kris saw the letter, the name and the zip code and says to me "There are no hispanics in hamburg!" asked if it was the milsons, opened it. not much confetti, but she did put it together that you sent it, but forgot the confetti thing.
Cool Beans!
Hispanics in Hamburg is a seasonal thing.
I changes some of the zip codes after yours, because I wasn't sure if it was too close to mine to draw suspicion.
Thinking all the way, this one. Thinking all the way.
humerous. seasonal.
and p.s. tthe A-team rules!!
Oh yeah. What got me was that there was no greediness. Just a little confetti. Not enough to draw suspicion when I felt the envelope...just enough to go flying. Ingenious.
I am perfecting my method. Thank you very much.
Pretty soon you'll be afraid to open ANY piece of mail.
Although, I already am, as you never know who's asking you for what and how much.
And I seriously fear retaliation, so I am paranoid of letters from others.
if i were you, i would be afraid. you may have the ideas, but i am super ninja. walk amongst the shadows and stuff.
I'm always afraid of the ninja. Good thing I have low ceilings....
how pathetic am i that although i knew the writing seemed familiar i was misled by the name "sanchez"...the whole time im looking at the envelope going "hmm that's funny this looks like jack's writing...but it says sanchez...and there's a different zipcode...14214??? where's that??" BOOOMMMM confetti everywhere!!!!
yep..i really am a bimbo sometimes
and the worst part is...there's really no way to get her back...she's just really on top of things....or is she paranoid??...maybe she should be paranoid??????
I think that's so cute that you knew Jack's handwriting.
And no one. I mean NO ONE. Should under any circumstances. EVER. Try to get back at her.
Because she has a way of getting farm animals.
Perhaps a delivery of a farm animal would be a way to get "sanchez" back
imagine comming home to a goat tied to the front porch.

He he, that would be funny.
i think that would be practicle. i would be like, hey a goat. i could use one of those. they are friends with mini horses
I hear goats are good for fudge. As long as you don't know about the goat.
i do not even want to think about that too much.
BTW, Mo, you should be drinking cranberry tea and eating cabbage if you want to have this kid on my b-day!!
A goat could mow your lawn for you too.

That would be a nice bonus.
Fudge and lawn care.

I wonder if the city allows goats?
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