Friday, January 04, 2008


Blue canary in the outlet by the light switch

Who watches over you?

Freaky Deaky
The world loves three day weeks.
At least I know I do.
I'm not sure how I'll manage a five day one coming up.
Although temperatures of 50's will help.
Don't worry, President Al Gore. There is no global warming.
I will make a little bird house for your soul.
I was listening to that song last night.
though i respect that a lot, id be fored if that were job after killing jason off and coutless screaming argonaughts.
I'm your only friend
I'm not your only friend
But I'm a little glowing friend
But really I'm not actually your friend
But I am
But I am really concerned that you are glowing.
What friend wouldn't be.
What not friend wouldn't be.
It was going to be all Giant songs this week, but I got distracted by Hot Rod.
Triangle Man, Triangle Man
What's he like? Is he scalene?
Triangle Man

Is he acute, or is he obtuse?
When he's isoceles, does he get mad?
Or will Pythagorean kill him instead?
Nobody knows
Triangle Man

Calculus Man, Calculus Man
Calculus Man tests Triangle Man
They have a quiz, Calculus flunks
Calculus Man

Integer Man, Integer Man
Infinite-Number-Of-Integers Man
Usually easier than Fraction Man
Integer Man

He's got a line with a negative side,
Positive side, and a zero point
When they meet they all smoke joints
Endless Man, Integer Man

Cosine Man, Cosine Man
He's the inverse of Secant Man
Along with sine he forms Tangent Man
Cosine Man

Is he geometry
Or trigonometry?
Can he graph the age of a tree?
How did they derive Cosine Man?
SOHCAHTOA Man, Cosine Man

Calculus Man, Calculus Man
Calculus Man tests Cosine Man
They have a quiz, Calculus flunks
Calculus Man
The creator of this one is brilliant.
I have met my new leader.
I should have pretended it was me.
I'm probably too much like Calculus man.
Flunked again, Calculus man.
hey, i bombed a few calc tests too!
and something to think about, they might not be giants either.
oh, and i bombed the test as i was unable to distinguish my asymtote from a hole in the graph.
a bit of math humor.
It actually sounded quite vulgar.
i have no idea what you are referring to. hehe
also, i frequent a (to me) humerous site, in the birdhouse explination (the site lets anyone put their 2 cents in) some disagree with it being about a nightlite in the bathroom across from a picture of a lighthouse and think it is about Jesus.
I really would rather be sleeping right now
And really, it might be too dangerous to actually try to figure out what these jokers intend with their lyrics.

Heads exploding and the like.
that is what i say!
they made a God reference for particle man, too!
Holy Crikie Batman!
Those are alot of song meanings.
And here I just thought triangle man was just some angry dude.
right? turns out, it is some reference to pathagorus or something. i guess that is what happens when you let the masses speak. hehehe
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