Thursday, January 10, 2008


Happy Birthday ya Crazy Dude!

May your Shetlands always be Ponies.

The picture was frightening me, but I refused to be deterred.
Have a good one Bud!
Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday dear Brendan! Happy Birthday to you!
Hey JB Have a great day!!!!
ps What IS that picture?????? Scary...
If chocolate chip cookies can induce labor, Livvy might just show up today!!
Go chocolate chip cookies!
Thanks ya'll!!!
and that is what i look like before coffee
Now it all makes sense.
so, what exactly does 27 mean in the long run? like, is this the birthday that i am officially old?
That can't be your age, cause that's my age.
you are either lying, or I am your virtual reality twin.
Or alternate reality twin.
My alternate reality.
i am banking on the multi-dimensional twin.
Happy Birthday!
And yes, 27 is old.

At least it signifies that you can no longer get away with certain things based on your age anymore.

You know, kind of like that old Pursuit of Happiness song
There is something definitely wrong with that picture.

It gives me the chills
i cant be found in some gutter overdosed on drugs like some cheese eating school boy cause im an adult now.
i cant be found in some gutter overdosed on drugs like some cheese eating school boy cause im an adult now.
Chocalate chip cookies?!?!
As I vividly remember you telling me, 30 is old. You've got a couple of years left. (Something about dirt being 30). 27 might just mean you have to start making payments on your student loan.
oh yeah, i did tell you that. well, now i feel bad. hehehe
no labor pains yet? you have less than 12 hours!!!
I KNOW!!!! I thought for sure she'd want to be here for JB's day. But I still don't feel like cleaning yet.....
see, now in the inverse of me being mad if it was a nephew on my bday, i will be mad if she do3esnt show up for my bday! hehe j/k
Sorry Charlie that you have to be workin' on your big day....But I hope someone brought you something with sugar in it!!
She is movin' aound like crazy. But again, that could just be the cookies...
hehehe, work is ok. everyone found out it was my bday so everyone has been cool to me.
hehehe, work is ok. everyone found out it was my bday so everyone has been cool to me.
also, my party is at moms on Saturday. Dinner at 5 and such. just an FYI
Looking forward to the party. I did have a dream at one time that I was in labor while eating baby Brendan B-day cake. I also had a dream I had twins. Most recently I dreamt I had her right here.
i had a dream the other night that i was breaking into a pyramid. but it was booby trapped.
Dude, you need to be concerned if you are dreaming about pyramids.

nothing good can come from that
No home deliveries please.
too yucky
I had a dream that I liked going to this bar that had a weird post man that always seemed to talk to me.
Everyone knew my name.
And they were always glad I came.
And alot of humming sounds.
And then came the plane crash.
But everything was okay cause we landed in a chocolate fountain of love.
And then moby started singing.
So I knew I had better get out of there fast before things started getting weird.
Crazy @$$ Moby.
He's always wrecking good dreams.
There are 10 other people that like mold, besides me.
Isn't it best if we all just keep our dreams to ourselves
especially if they include pyramids or Moby.

If theycontained both...... look out
HAHAHAHA even funnier than that, one of the mold girls also likes "white" i have been crossreferencing some of them. they are weirdos.
If they are wierdos, what does that make the Super Beetles?
It gets even creepier if you check out some of their blog pages.
someone who likes moss also likes

the sound of a Red-Wing Blackbird


I do have to say the best (read most disturbing picture) is the Super Beetles
Hutch is an odd one, because he lists God, his wife, blah blah, transformers and mold.
some odd combinations.
surprisingly, no one else likes

jellybeans and coconuts with hats

Who would have thought that?
this could take some time (good thing that is something I seem to have in abundance right now)
I need to purify my eyes now.
I hate writers that feel the need to write things.
There are three who like the letter Y, but it seems the Super Beetles are the only paramour for the letter Q
i am glad others are finding humor in checking those thigs as well. i thought it was just me when the blog was down.
It's either that or buy something on e-bay. For those with no interest in porn, there are limited options.
In my most recent home delivery dream, she was born clean as a whistle. Also too big for her newborn clothes. She was bustin' through the buttons (pregnant women have elaborate dreams).
It would appear that all of the delivery dreams are the result of an anxiety of the actual delivery process.
What's e-bay?
I thought it was because I base everything on tv....and tv babies are always full grown.
See you soon JB!!! Have a GREAT B-DAY!!
The answers to life's problems aren't at the bottom of a bottle, they're on TV
Television! Teacher, mother, secret lover
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