Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Have good day.

Real good.

so, when is jack's party?
I think we are going to have to postpone it until February 10th. That way we can have Olivia with us. (And her family) It would be at our house at 12pm.
I think.
I'm just kind of making this up.
cool, cool. keep me and my waffle iron posted.
and i will iron some waffles.
Still here.....
hey hey Mo.
how are you doing?
Hey Mo - enjoying the napping and quiet while you can - sooner than you realize you will be answering questions like "Mamoo -- What is a global stock?" "Why is the stock market in a free fall?"
well, you just explain to him that the media has created a hype surrounding an unknown and people are gulible like sheep and will follow whatever rupert mudoch telss them too. and of course then you explain that the problem with free trade and capitalism is simply that there are humans in charge.
I prefer to anticipate the question, "When can I get a pedicure?"
Hey :) When can I get a pedicure?
I also anticipate, "But daddy lets me."
You've got to hand it to the Today show. In all 362 interviews focusing on the demise of the economy, they have asked if the media coverage may be having an impact.
as they make an impact. same with the presidental race. the winner will be who they say is the winner
driving me batty.
And a happy Tuesday to you all
Was it just me or did anyone else think that Brett Favre just wanted that game to be over so he could go warm up?
he played worse than Trent Edwards in the cold
And can any of you actually be rooting for Eli Manning?
brett most definatly gave that one away. he was like, im old. screw thsi.
and, i am not a huge eli manning fan, but still, tom brady? no.
I like to refer to the game as the suck fest. Maybe crap fest. But then again, I won't even leave the house when it's that cold so I probably shouldn't be too judgmental.
eh, leaving the house is overrated. it is what chumps do.
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