Thursday, January 31, 2008


Hey! It's going to be a nice day on the board!

Ohhhhhhh God. What is that.

All hail the wind day!
Take that 5 day week!
AND I got to hold a soft, fuzzy Olivia.
All is well.
Except the picture.
That's just wrong.
I do feel that every Wednesday should be a day off.
It breaks up the week so nicely.
New Lost tonight!!!!
12 hours 3 minutes until a new Lost!!!!!
CANINE INNARDS????!!!!!!???
I just checked the site where I got the picture and the headline says "About eating dogs"!!!!!!!!!
My day may have been ruined.
Or at least tarnished.
I need to go read about princesses and fairy lands.
Dog meat festival!!!!?????????!!!!!!!
but how/why would you eat that dog?
i think he has past his prime.
he may have spoiled
did you know that Cinco de Mayo is the biggest day for sales of avacados? the super bowl is 3rd.
If you notice, there is a scraper lying on the carcass.
co co cool beans.
cool BEANS
COOL beans.
lars here gotting some O time
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