Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Speedy Gonzalez knows my sister.

Speedy Gonzalez knows everyones sister.

How was the drive in for the Langford crew?
It should have been a snow day!
How about yours?
We had about 6-8 inches in our driveway, but none of the roads were plowed very well.
It took us double the time to get to school.
Just really slow going for most of the ride. I just shook my head at the slow city drivers who have no idea what real snow is like.
Didn't know if we were going to make it anytime before 9:00. The band that closed the Hamburg schools was sitting over East Aurora as I drove through it. Couldn't see the road - no plows - sun not up yet - crazy!! Not too much down here though.
speedy better not be talkin bout my sisters
should have been a snow day for johnny blaze too. johnny blaze likes snow daze
hey, they approved the eating of cloned animals today! you know what that means, IDENTICAL STEAKS!!!!!!!!

rock the casba.
i mean, i have been eating my own cloned animals, but now the fda says its cool..
I'd be pissed!
Waiter, this steak tastes just like the one I had yesterday!
The outrage!
I hope they have to package it differently.
Like neon pink. So we know the difference.
i hope it is all the same. if it is cloned, there would be no difference.
You've been eating cloned animals for quite awhile now

cloned meat It's what's for dinner
and what's with this Speedy guy
seems a bit promiscuious
Malcolm was very concerned about what kind of tires were on the car this morning. He wanted to make sure that they were snow tires
why does malkc know what a snow tire is? that sounds like a baby Jack qquestion/ he always asked crazy jazz like that.
There was a discussion about the value of snow tires at our house last night. He just wanted to make sure that the car was OK.
how funny. i dont even care about that.
That is hYsterical. I don't think they make ear muffs that are strong enough for this kid.
I sure wish I could clone my own food. Would save many trips to the store. Is there a kit I could buy??
I was beginning to wonder if the Pumpkin would show up.
It started to make me think...
If I could only speed clone myself, I'd send my clone to do the dirty work.
My clone would also like pizza and be refered to as Steve.
Unfortunatly, I would probably be the dull one.
You know...copy of a copy. Not that bright.
Poor Steve.
I like pizza.
The snow kills my internet....and tv. Next house will definately have cable.
I guess Olivia is still hanging on...
that's nuts.

No internets due to the snow.

Sounds like a Russian plot
be very wary of cloning yourself... we all know what happened to Homer in the "Send in the Clones" episode
although, with a clone, I coild theoretically get even less done than I do now.
I keep thinking she's on her way....
thinking or wishing?
my clone just gets me into trouble. there arte warrents all over for him, but they think he is me.
but seriously, there is a doppleganger of me out there. all of these black folk come up to me sayin g"Chuck!" and then some other things. aint me babe.
Or... you lead a secret double life that your consious self if unaware of.

I was just discussing this the other day
Kind of Dr. Jekel and Mr. Hyde style
So, you never know. You may actually be G Chuck and just don't know it.
Maybe i am Chuck. I never really feel rested in the morning. I am Tyler Durden, only my name is Chuck.
apparently, we will not eat cloned meat, only the offspring of cloned animals.

Cloned Meat
apparently, the clones will only be used for reproduction
Are you waking up all bruised and bloody?

That could be a sign you know
and other beat up dudes keep nodding at me like i know something. ah, my life and times as a sonambulist.
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