Thursday, January 24, 2008


A THROWING STAR!!??!!??!!??


Happy Thursday All!!

How was the drive out of Langford this morning? LOTS of snow down here at school, but not much at home.
We had lots of snow, but they did a great job cleaning it of course we had school.
Oh. Wait. That's me.
Stupid plows.
It is so pretty though.
Maybe it'll melt by this afternoon.
I feel like I need to bring in pictures so people will believe me when I say I have snow.
It's a winter wonderland!!!
show me that tai chi move where you make a guy crap himself and he has no idea why
so, i decised to sit down at my bench grinder. that was the best part of taht movie.
Hee Hee. I'll laugh about crap for a few more days.....probably won't think it's so funny after that.

i cant wait to get you better so i can kill you!
Seriously. hYsterical.
i also saw the movie shoot em up. it was just a giant shoot em up movie. one of the best scenes, they were in a gun factory. nuff said.
I am very interested in see "Be Kind, Rewind" Guy with magnetized head accidently erases all the movies in his buddy's video store. So, they go about remaking all the movies. "Jack Black as Robocop" "Jack Black and Mos Def in Ghostbusters" :) :)
sounds like a good one, but i have not heard about it. i will have to keep my eyes peeled.
It is currently showing at the Sundance Film Festival - so hasn't made its mainstream debut.
stupid sundance. saving all the cool movies for itself.
and here i am, watching FX like a sucker.
You can watch the trailer on youtube.

Which would probably be funny, if I had sound.
Stupid computers with no sound
I feel a long day coming on.....
well, without sound, it can only vbe a long day.

looks liek yesterday was pie day. not pi, but pie.
Hello!! Anybody out there? Are we all gone today?
seriously, if they have another day off i will be pissed.
unless, of course, it is the feast of Maximum Occupance, in which case, i need to go home as i cannot work on that day.
I was watching the news yesterday and the county executive wants a director of space......I want that job. I would call for many Maximum Occupance days. And the people will love me.
Dude!!! If not you, i would love that job!!!
"Walk a Thon Reward Day" - WHAT?? No school on the day they walk and then they get a day off for walking??
well, i probably would not have walked. honestly.
hey everyone. i now have my own pc at work yay! so i can talk to u guys yay! hope everyone is doing well
hey pengu!!
and in thinking about it, i did walk for AIDS, and i got a day off for that. but it was freezing cold and i had to do sound. but still, i tried to cut as many corners as possible.
still hangin in there molly? :)
Still here.....she'll be here on Sunday at the latest. Good to hear you.
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could Chuck Norris? ...All of it.
So does the BSOD get a day off too??

Or does he have to still be at school?
apparently Dennis Kucinich has dropped out of the democratic primary race

Kucinich abandons White House bid

I guess now I can go back to being an omnivore
my silent support of Dennis was not enough
rough stuff, man. well, at least he gave credit to ufos
It really is a shame.

I was so hoping for a Dennis Kucinich vs Ron Paul Presidential Race.

Now that would have been something to see.
"You don't seem to want to accept the fact you're dealing with an expert in guerrilla warfare, with a man who's the best, with guns, with knives, with his bare hands. A man who's been trained to ignore pain, ignore weather, to live off the land, to eat things that would make a billy goat puke. In Vietnam his job was to dispose of enemy personnel. To kill! Period! Win by attrition. Well... Rambo was the best."
perhaps a breakthrough in ethanol

Startup Says It Can Make Ethanol for $1 a Gallon, and Without Corn
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