Wednesday, January 02, 2008


Why does Triangle man hate Particle man?

I can understand why he hates Person Man.
I mean, that guy's an idiot.

Granted, he was hit on the head by a frying pan...
i think he hates anything with less than 2 dimensions.
i mean, i do.
stupid points and lines. give me my polygons!!
Happy New Year!!!
You too!!!!
Work is too workish.
are you back, jen?
seems like you should be out a bit longer.
Tell me about it!!!
I will let the powers that be know what you think.
Maybe they'll let me stay out longer.
BSOD has off til next week!
The outrage!
How did he swing that? did you check?
i pulled that with mom once, but i had gotten suspended.
i was like, oh, its the spring holiday.
Did it work or did she figure it out?
oh it worked. that why i am saying, check on BSOD's schedule. Dude may be fighting or cussing out teachers.
or painting a vulgar version of teh michaelangelo ceiling in the dudes room, like me.
and the imfamous "trombone incedent"
He does like to draw...
see, has he been studying up on limmericks?
those will get you ousted too.
homer: hey, i once knew a man from Nantucket!

bart: and...?

homer: let's just say the stories are a bit exaggereated.
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