Friday, January 18, 2008



Yes, we do.

Happy Friday!
Right back atcha! We're still here....
Hi folks! Happy Friday!
Now I don't need to worry all day.
And I thank you for that! ;-)
I'm still waiting on the burst of cleaning energy.....not happening.
I'm just getting ready for my nap.
dude, you already get a nap?
man, jealous!!
i have to leave at ten to set up for a staff lunch, but i get to go home at 3, but i have to play a song with a work band.
i am wearing cow pants.
good luck this weekend, Mo!!! Love you!!
and they put you on the dress code committee?
Cow pants for everyone!
And cake!
Cake for everyone!
Where's my cake???

I would definately like some cake right now.
Wait a second..... you have an office band???
Scrantoncity II?
No really, where's my cake?
cake? ME WANT CAKE!!

pearls before swine is classic.
alrighties, happy friday to all. it's time to discuss that happy OFFL party. here are your assignments. i will also be calling everyone today or tommorow. most likely tommorow

You are in charge of bringing supplies and/or cooking the stuff.


Brendan-waffles and waffle iron
my dearest mum-crepes
molly and pete-eggs fratada with ham, peppers,oinions,etc
krista-sausage and bacon
jack-french toast
tom-orange, apple, pineapple juice
Kathryn-fruit platter
catie and jeremy-Quart container of whipping creme and hash browns

thank you all, oh and...

What a great idea! I love brunch. And I am thrilled to hear that it is understood that brunch needs to come with a quart of whipped cream.
Where's my quart of whipped cream?
Now I need cake and a quart of whipped cream

or a Jenny cake which incorporates a quart of whipped cream
or a big honking slice of Baby Brendan Birthday cake with an extra dollop of whipped cream on top.
I'm waiting....
do people drink pineapple juice?
by the gallons
That's pineapple juice AND whipping cream.
just not mixed
That would be gross.
Than pineapple juice it is.

I'll be sure to stop by savealot and find some type of off brand that has a funny metallic taste that your just not sure if it is spoiled or not.

or the little four ounce cans that you get at breakfest bars.

They too have that funny metallic taste.
Now I'm just hoping Livvy cooperates so we can make it to the party. Not that I blame her for staying's cold and windy.
I don't blame her either.
Given my druthers, I think I would stay where it was nice and warm and I could sleep whenever I wanted to as well.

Sounds like the perfect setup.
Cept I'm wondering if she actually sleeps.....She spends alot of time flopping around in there.
uh oh. maybe she wont take naps. Then you will not get to take naps with her.
I told mjo on Monday that I wished he still took naps. because, boy would I sure like to still be taking naps.
oh, the good old days....
so, when is th eparty?
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