Tuesday, January 29, 2008


You better get the paper...

Before the monsters do.

You know how they like the entertainment section.
totally. and parade on Sunday,
so, who saw gladiators last night?
i mean, who saw it, brother?
Brother - where are all my Hulkamaniacs?

I think the question should be who DIDN'T see Gladiators - and if not - WHY?
for future reference, after AG nights, end all transmissions with "brother", brother
so, my boy Abe Lincoln refuses to go see Our American Cousin with me. Punk. Brother.
The one lady scared the crap out of me, brother.
She reminded me of death, brother.
I think that's why the one lady couldn't get up the wall, brother.
She was scared to death.
Read this paper, ese!
I'm also upset that Molivandernognerdanferan was knocked off.
not being able to climb the wall is for chumps, brother.
and sister, i dint know if yr post was over, brother.
I meant brother, brother.
Grade this paper, ese!
didn't I hear that 4 times already?
How odd.
I must be in the Matrix.
Deja voo doo all over again.
I think that's when the zombies come to your house.
did you ever see the south park where the boys paid immigrants to read old man and the sea for them? they told them after they read it to write an essay. next day, the immagrants were like "I wrote my ese in LA, I wrote my in Bogata. super funny, brother
and he talks about some creature with a body of a monkey and tries to rally the scum of the earth.
Weird zombie freak.
ah! zombies!
speaking of deja vu, i once put instant coffee in the microwave and went back in time, brother
Ha ha! That's good stuff!
That microwave stuff can freak you out, brother.
I also went fishing with a dotted line. i caught every other fish.
Speaking of fishing, look out for those roof fish, brother.
Brother, they will try and trick you every time, brother.
brother, speaking of brothers, our brother hasnt been around today, brother. i hope brother is ok, brother
Brother, I'm here, brother.
Just attending meetings, brother and let me tell you, not too interesting, brother.
well, brother, sorry to hear that, brother. i know how boring meetings are, brother
jen has no school .. lucky
kathryn probably has no school either. and here i am, sustaining the economy like a sucker.
Sustaining the economy?? You work at a nonprofit.
so I guess that there is no five day week after all, brother.
dude, this is my fiorst 5day in about 2 months. it is going to drive me batty.
and yeah, i do work for a NFP. but, they way they spin it here is that we take 7 mill from other places and bring it to the buffalo economy.
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