Thursday, February 21, 2008


I don't drink hot liquids of any kind.

That's the devil's temperature.

Except hot chocolate. Because that's really good.
And sometimes I'll drink coffee if it has enough sugar in it.
And I don't mind tea.
Is soup considered a hot liquid?
This doesn't seem to be adding up.
Well, I won't wassil. That's just weird.
i hear you on the wassil.
nuts to that. its the devils christmas celebration.
but i do like coffee and when i am sick, i drink thera-flu. that is about it.
I forgot about thera-flu. I do like to use that. And maple syrup. I like to drink that when it's freshly made.
um, yeah.
i like to mix them. make the thera flu a bit thicker. sticks to yr ribs.
its the name you want to touch, but you musn't touch!
And pudding when it is first made and still warm. it is not quite pudding yet, but you can drink it from a mug. and i do. that too may be the devil
And jello, I like to drink jello. But usually when it's warm, not boiling lava hot.
Some people will drink hot cola, but I will not go down that road.
With their devil liquid.
hot cola? you need to be crazy on moonshine to think that is a good idea. it burns yr throught if it is even warm.
New Lost tonight!!!
i have been lost all day. i just got into a convo with a dude about religion. man, it took a steep turn quick.
i asked about evolution. i read the other day that 50% of americans do not believe in it. 50!!!!!!!!!!
turns out, that guy is one of those 50%. who knew?
Which 50%?

and madre, the meeting wiil go to 3:45 or 4:00.

see you soon!!

Go lost!!

Go Sayid!!

Go BSOD!!!!!!!
Thanks kid!
i think the last 50.
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