Wednesday, February 06, 2008


I would like to talk to you about Jesus...

And Hillary.

Maybe not together...
I'd rather you didn't
hey buddy, i like bears.
i hate to say it, but i get leary when someone says they are speaking to me about Jesus.
i mean, sure, he built you a real nice chair, but that doesnt make him my savior.
so, also, i am in a survivor pool. i guess i am mike borotone?

You've been seduced by the dark side
May 15, 1965: Lego scientists create a momentary tear in space-time by building a giant Lego brick out of Lego bricks.

Aug. 24, 1968: Following a long and difficult struggle, Legoland's constitution is ratified.
Do you realize that our next president could be John McCain?

This guy has run and lost so many times in the past and now by default he will be the Republican nominee?

And stands a good chance of defeating either Hillary or Barak?

And you thought George W was bad?
it is kind of spooky. i honestly think that Hillary has a better shot of beating him. we need to think about who can beat mccain, not who we want. cause there may be enough dems that like mccain to make this suck.
oh, and sorry about the lego history. that is a different project i am working on.
which reminds me, i would like to speak to you all about Legos...
also, Sleepers, another person at work said she saw you last week. I guess you said yr name and she just waved at you, not explaining why or how she knew you.
I'd rather you didn't.
Hey, easy fella. I keep work at work.
I feel I am quite wise in the ways of Legos.
It's amazing how they multiply seemingly on their own.
And they are able to transport themselves to the tiniest cracks of your household.
there are an estimated 8 million legos on the floors of america waiting to be picked up.
Laying in wait... bite your feet.
And I'm sure the 8 million are merely the pieces that have escapes.
Sneaky buggers.
seriously. devious little buggers.
Do they make pink leggos?
I mean, specifically, pink leggos that promote a love of science and math?
They probably make Barbie Legos for the girls
They can used to make ovens and pies
stupid establishment and their gender roles
Seriously, does anyone know what Barak Obama's positions are on anything?

I really have not heard one bit of substance from the guy and am wondering what I'm missing?
I'm really trying to understand people's attraction to him and no one seems to have an answer of substance other than "he's different" or "He's not a Washington insider"

even though he is a Senator and has been involved in politics his whole life?
first, pink leggos exsist. but they are elusive. never underfoot, they live in the margians of leggos.
second, no, he is a good speaker and is running on the fact that he is different. he is absent from most important votes as to no polarize his followers and says little.
and brown rice.

Can anyone tell me anything about brown rice?

It does not have a significantly higher fiber count than white rice and takes forever to cook.
maybe that is why he appeals to so many. They really don't have to make a commitment to anything.
I feel like mamoo making rice
mamoo makes rice? sorry, i still have to make fun of her for that.
HHHEEEYYY!! I take offense to that. From both of you!! Leave me alone :( I am going to go be sad now :(
There is a running countdown to when the next new Lost is on at!
I no longer have to make one of my own!
Rut-roh raggie. I have a feeling there is a rice story going on.
I just found out lost and survivor are on different times which makes me quite happy. But what the heck am I going to do if new office episodes come on.
Go Strike go!
Stupid greedy writers.
Just live in your shanties and be happy with it.
um, i feel no sympathy for them. do you know, the average writter (now striking) was makig between 250,000 and 700,000 per episode.
and i meant no offence, mamoo. i just had to say it.
and i am still a big fan of spagetti with soy sauce as a result.
And now I feel even less sympathy.
on the topic of legos, there are barbie, harry potter, star wars, and even spongbob legos. not to mention bionicles. go bionicles go!!
1968 - first leggo man travels through the intestine of a human.
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