Tuesday, February 26, 2008


It's a world where...

orange soda is an acceptable substitute for breast milk.

I think that will make Livvy happy!
How could it not?!?
i would be stoked!!
welcome back Sterling Crew!!!! glad you all made it well.
And welcome back to YOU JB...
I don't recall there being a snow day...
it was a Wii day.
hey SB, does yr Wii glow blue when it is shut off? like, pulse blue?
Ah precious Wii day...
How concerning.
I don't think so, but we never turn it off...
IT'S ALIVE!!!!!!!!
I will have to check that out.
The Wii talk must STOP! It is waking the sleepers and their need for a new gaming system. STOP the madness, I cannot have anything in my house that glows blue.
But the Wii is SwEeT and it does make you move.
Allow the Wii talk. Discourage the PS3 talk.
Even better is I think JB planned this Wii day in advance....
darn tooting!!
if you had a choiuce between paying 600 bucks to sit or 250 to move, i go 250. which i did. and i am thrilled.
i unlocked table tennis last night and went nuts for like 3 hours.
How did you unlock table tennis?
the boys made an Olivia Mii but she looks oriental.
well, that is just rude!
someone ar work ordered chinese food today and left the money at my desk sayng "Some chinese people will be here" i had to correct her saying chinese FOOD people.
table tennis is on Mario Party. i need to bring it over some day and we can have a blast. it si just mini games.
I'm quite interested in the Wii, but am concerned about what the neighbors might think if they see someone jumping around the living room in the middle of the night
there is one wher eyou have to shake up yr can of pop and to win yrs has to spray the most.
I would need to get heavier draperies
i close the blinds, my friend. cause it is that weird.
Not to mention how much I love just sitting around
but all of this Wii talk is intriging
sorry, i am a little obsessive about the thing. and i am no good at video games, but i can rock a wii.
and I'm thinking that Malcolm can probably get the hang of it
you should stop over and play me n golf or baseball. oh and in base ball, i am working on getting my Flande4rs mii to Pro
as long as there is a game taht involves trucks
no doubt! the kid could do it.
there are racing games.
how is the mini pumpkin doing?
Racing games are the bane of my existance
when I see a new Gran Turismo for the PS3, I'm sure that I will cave
I'm a sucker fro the Gran Turismo (and the RTS games, but that is a somewhat different story)
both are super addictive.

They actually have studies that show that the part of your brain that responds to addictions lights up when you play video games. They illicit the same response (but not as intense) as cocaine

Or so they say. I didn't actually see any lights in my brain
but I really think I need a Mii (a video alter ego seems like just the thing to need to have)
The retirement community where Kathryn's parents live are getting a Wii for the old folks to play
old folks love Mario Brothers.
i get the feeling yr Mii would resemble mine.
although, the fun that can be had in even just creating miis is enough for me some nights. leading to my having 25 miis.
The creating of Mii's is a good time.
It's even better when you see them in the audience watching you bowl.
when i bowl, generally hitler shows up to watch. apparently, he is a big bowling fan. it makes me question why i have a hitler mii
there is a very good possibility that I will break down and have to get one of these Wiis very soon. Like tonight
NOOO!! no, no, no, no. stop the insanity!!
i think yr safe mamoo. they are still super hard to come by. i got mine cause someone retrned one to a place where a friend works. stupid nintendo driving up demand by keeping supply limited.
someone seems very hostile to the idea of a Wii

That just does not seem right
active participation vs passive watching

seems to me that the active participation should win out
i would agree.
although, i did have a moment after playing for, lets just say a while where i felt that maybe i should take a break and watch some TeeVee. but then again, the Wii lets you know when it thinks you have been playing for to long.
Is there really such a thing as playing too long??
after dropping by this page all day, I am not only craving a Wii, but also an Orange Crush
Oh to be sipping an orange crush while playing Wii
i did that and it is as sweet as you would hope. out of my giant jack o'lantern cup.
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