Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Not try.


All hail the Yoda Cat.
Oh wise feline.
firce better be strong!!!
I finally got my Wii. I am going to have to bring some characters over to the milers house and whoop you
just wait until my Dwight Schrute has a pro rating in bowling.
and Darth Vader is a golf pro.
But who will be the Wii keeper?
oh, i can do that.
oh, and there was a yoda Mii, but i digress.
The boys have Neo and Mr. Smith Wiis.
Mr. Smith really wups up.
We also have Molly and Pete Wiis and Molly consistently kicks Pete's @$$!
Jack Mii (I meant Mii when I typed in all those Wiis) looks just like you JB.
Kind of creepy.
In a good way.
Speaking of creepy, that's the smile my Mii has.
To intimidate my opponents.
I saw the Mr. Smith mii, but not neo. Also, the Mr. Burns miis are cool. i saw like 100 of them. they had the worst boss mii contest and half were mr burns.
but, my dwight shrute is still the best bowler ever.
The boys just made their own. We haven't downloaded any yet.
i spent too much time last night downloading them. Jordie LaForge for all you star treck nerds. George Dubbya for you politicos.
i will have to stop by this weekend and bring them along. then, they will keep showing up in yr mii plaza.
I love the Mii plaza.
Everyone just milling about.
I like in bowling, how some of them are just spectators.
I made a Shawnda. She is always at the alley. As is Ralph, my artist nihlist.
I am like, what kind of nihlist bowls?
I think Livvy just got bigger.
I also think she's laughing today. Cept for now when she's yellin' at me.
maybe she is telling jokes. you know, real loud jokes.
And she could just be upset that you don't seem to get them.
she seems the type to like a good high brow joke.
Like my infamous punchline (there is no joke, it is just fun to say as someone walks into yr conversation) So i said, i need to get out of these wet cloths and into a dry martini!
well, it seemed high brow at the time.
well, it seemed high brow at the time.
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