Monday, February 04, 2008


Sorry Mr. Brady...

I guess your soul
didn't cover the
New York sales tax!

Too bad!
I do feel there should be a national holiday given for the day after the Super Bowl.
I agree...who really needs president's day????
If they can give us a day off for wind, why not hangovers?
all ohave to say is wow. i didnt really expect that.
What a game though!
Talk about adrenaline rush.
How are the Pumpkins doing?
And I really like the face on Brady in this picture!
Darn. It's bigger at the NFL site, so see if you can view it there.
It's a classic, where I'm pretty sure he's thinking "stupid NY sales tax".
Which, I have to agree with, cause it sucks.
I really liked the animal commercials.
I was glad to see Richard Simmons as well.
I can't believe that when you click on a commercial, they have to show you a different commercial before you can view the original commercial.
We missed you yesterday. I got cuter.
Bud Light. Suck it.
i hate on line comercials.
You shouldn't say that Livvy, cause you know I'll just keep showing up!
I can't tell you how close we were to coming over yesterday. I had to talk myself out of it. We may just move in.
Really did FOX have to have that montage paying homage to the 72 Dolphins?

That really hurt.

It was one of the reasons that I was rooting for the Pats
that, and Eli Manning is a tool
I think that Belichek was sick of hearing himself referred to as a genius, so he threw that example of crappy coaching out there
Not that I watched much of the second half, but that game was truly boring. The First half was so boring, I decided to watch paint dry instead of the second half
I'm thinking that Duncan Donuts puts something in their coffee that makes you crave donuts.

Because I tell you, I'm craving some serious donuts right now
Here's the scenario, you are down by 3 points with 30 seconds left. your on your own 20 yard line. What do you do?

Drop back 4 times in a row and try to throw the same play, a 70 yard bomb to a receiver who is double covered and has the deep safety coming over to help. Or would you try a series of 15-20 yard out patterns to move the ball into field goal range?
Isn't that typically the tragic flaw in all men, hubris?
As the Bills can attest, the short passes can move you into field goal range and lead to a devastating last second field goal
Is the OFFL brunch this Sunday?
seriously? 3.1 Trillion?

Bush's budget plan
and this guy claims to be conservative?

The budget was only 2.2 trillion just a few years ago.

This guy is spending money faster that the American consumer.
it did suck that the dolphins are still that only team undefeated. but, i would rather it be like the steelers or something. not the pats.
and the gross thing about a 3.1 tril budget, is that it only has a 3% deficit. gross.
out deficit is bigger than some countries entire budget.
but it will take so long for another team to do it, we wont be able to see the smug look knocked off of Don Shula's face.

And that is what it truly is all about
Yes, the brunch is 12pm this Sunday. I'll try to find the list of what everyone needs to bring, unless you remember, which would be great. Or bring chocolate. That would be better.
I'm happy to just wipe the smug look off of Brady's face.
He looked pissy all night, the schmuck.
He is a bit of a baby. But most of the players in the NFL are nowadays.
And why not try the 49 yard field goal? Your indoors with no wind? Instead on fourth down you throw the 35 yard pass to the endzone?

Again, the tragic flaw cuts deep.
alrighties, happy friday to all. it's time to discuss that happy OFFL party. here are your assignments. i will also be calling everyone today or tommorow. most likely tommorow

You are in charge of bringing supplies and/or cooking the stuff.


Brendan-waffles and waffle iron
my dearest mum-crepes
molly and pete-eggs fratada with ham, peppers,oinions,etc
krista-sausage and bacon
jack-french toast
tom-orange, apple, pineapple juice
Kathryn-fruit platter
catie and jeremy-Quart container of whipping creme and hash browns

thank you all, oh and...

It's Friday already!?!?
Who knew!
oh, and i love how Belacheck lost with class.
Still with the pineapple juice????
Class shmass. He walked off the field before the game was even done.
At least his herpes was cured. It was disgusting having to watch his interviews with that gross thing on his lip and the greasy mess smeared all over his face.
that is kind of what i meant by class. after he told everyone all year about him not running up the score and him defenfing his class as a coach, then he leaves teh feild before teh game is over.
Are you sure he didn't leave the field before the game even started?

For all he accomplished on the sideline, he might as well not have been there
and really, does it matter if he left early? Why does everyone get upset when athletes and coaches act like jerks? Each week there is a complaint about someone acting like a jerk and people seem surprised.

They are all jerks. In every sport.

I'm just about to add NFL football to the growing list of sports that I can not stand to watch
and no one has mentioned how awful it is to have to sit through a game (baseball or football) with that clown Joe Buck as an announcer.
but I digress.

Happy Monday
I now have to go outside and get Malcolm working on his lefthanded curve ball.

137 million for six years?!?!
What the????
Can't I get the $$$$ for being a left handed anything???
Well, i do not attempt to hold athletes to standards. thye are people, like Barkley says, they aint role models. if they are, parents have a bigger problem. but, Belechik badmouthed Moss years back about leaving early. i think it was a Skins game or something.
But i just dislike the dude, so i will call him out on this.
18 and doh!
ut-oh! MRSA scare at lars school!!!
stay away from the dur-tee kids/
What would your name be if you were an American Gladiator, brother?
Johnny Blaze, brother. evern though he was a Fantastic 4, i think i could still pull it off, brother
or Chad. Chad the galdiator. thats gay, brother
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