Friday, February 01, 2008


Superman doesn't need a coat.

But he does like to sport a
full length fur when the urge grabs him.

I know the picture doesn't really match, but it was what came up for "superman doesn't need a coat"
I don't really know why.
And I was in a rush to get rid of the other picture.
And I can't believe I'm here on this dangerous day.
For God's sake! Think of the children!
And I'm really jealous that I didn't get baby holding time yesterday and Uncle Lar did.
He was bragging about it all night.
"I held her like this. And then like this. And then like this. And then I beeped her nose. And then I flipped her lip..."
But it is Friday.
Happy Friday!!!
But Holland is off and that just doesn't seem right.
But I will not begrudge a fellow teacher a day off of school.
That just wouldn't be right.
Solidarity on days off.
And Lost was on last night.
Super SwEeT!!!!
it is like 24 hrs away from my saturday morning waffle fest. i am going to rock chocolate waffles this weekend as a test for the party. i am thinking choco-waffles with a vanilla custard topping.
Maybe you should test those out at my house.
It won't be a real test unless you have it at the actual facility.
I'm only thinking of the children.
holy cow its early for there to be so many posts!

hi guys
PENGUIN!!! It's so good to hear from you!
i think the post number reflects the Bug's distress from having to drive to school today.
They give you a day off for wind, but not for ice?

You would think that the ice would be worse.

Or that you should have had both days off
I hope that you all have decided to root for the Patriots on Sunday
I agree! I thought the ice was worse than the wind.
It's like they weren't even thinking about the children.
I'm hoping the Super Bowl will be canceled because of stupidity.
Or a heat wave/dry spell.
Livvy's sleeping like a baby. What??? Hi everyone!!
Hey Mo!! Hey Sleepers!

I was thinking about this yesterday, and i cannot believe i may have to sit through an entire pats game.
esp. IF they win. the giants can do this. Get Paxico open, 59 needs to Rush brady, and hope moss keeps not playing at all. and hope that welker bombs.
Hi Molly Pumpkin!
There is no way I want Eli Manning to win though.
I can't stand that dude!
and then we would not have to listen the to 72 Dolphins say how great they were.
And Eli Manning winning the Super Bowl would just be awful.
Although Jeff Hostetler won a super bowl for the Giants against a team that could not be stopped....
How is that mini pumpkin doing?

She is so cute.

And how are the mom and dad pumpkin? hope all are doing well.
mjo still thinks that you should have called the baby delivery truck.

He says that he wants a baby and will name it Fire Truck.
Kid has a point.
that is a pretty good name. i mean, not as good as Zit, but it is up there.
Delivery Truck does give a first and a middle name.
But then yr name is Delivery Truck Stalker. seems a little weird.
Did you hear about that couple in Australia that had to cange the name of their kid from SuperMan? The courts said it was not an allowed name. i just think it would suck to grow up with that name and then not be good at things like getting th lid of the pickels.
You do realize that with the name Superman, your child is bound to become a gay hairdresser. Just how it is. Not that there's anything wrong with that....
which reminds me, i need to call Superman about getting a haircut.
and in re: superman, i asked HR to change my name plate from saying "Executive Assistant" to "Superdude" they said no.
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