Monday, February 25, 2008


They won't listen to me

especially when I say "don't hit me with my own shoes."

It's very frustrating.
Hello! We are back and alive! My husband did not kill me for making him drive with a three year old that far. Came close, but I made it out alive. It was good to see the family - just wish they were closer.
Welcome home Mamoo!
We missed you last week. I hope you had a great time.
Had a good time - got to eat some barbeque, which always makes me happy :)
Guess it is just you and I today. JB is Wii'ing it I guess and Tom is home being sleepy with the boy.
So unfair!
I sure could go for some bar b q!
Livy wanted to say hello. At least that's how I'm interpreting the yelling.
Hello to Molly Pumpkin and Olivia. Aunt Pat sends her love. I gave her a few pictures from the OFFL party and she gushed over how beautiful your little girl is!
Did you go to Aunt Pat's NC house?
How was that and how is she and John doing?
I did and they are doing well. They recently had gotten back from their trip to the Far East. Got to see some nice pictures. John really takes some nice pictures - they have a basement "travel" room that is lined with gorgeous places.
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