Friday, March 14, 2008


Happy Birthday Lar!!!

And happy Pi Day to all!

And Super Happy Friday to me!!!
That is a super sweeeeet lookin' pi!! Happy Birthday Larry!!Here's to loads of cake.
Happy Birthday Lar!!!!
i hope you get a perfect circle cake.
ah, pi day. one of my favorite days.
Now, let me spin you a yarn about something that happened to me last night. As I often do, I was mixing myself a hot vanilla soy milk and chocolate. I noted I was close to the bottom of one of the many containers of chocolate powder. Well, I take a scoop and I hit a colossal main of mini marshmallows. I mean, it was huge! I felt like a 49er when he found gold, like Joe Montana when he was named Superbowl MVP. It made my night!
Loving the marshmallows!!
See. For the record, who wouldn't love your life.
So the book nerds made "pi" for the math nerds today :) Yummy stuff!
no doubt, my life is sweet.
dollars to doughnuts, no one here made me any pi
oh, and i guess while i was drinking my hot chocolate, i was playing Wii.
Happy birthday to Larry
And happy Pi day to all the others

Oh nature and its perfect ratios
i am all like, 1.6161616161 and stuff.
there is acctually a theory in music involving the golden ratio. it states that the best peices of music have the climax around 2/3 of the way thru, fitting the ratio. while reading that, i noted the walls of my house are in the ratio. the waynes coating is a little higher than 2/3 the way up the wall.
so, if i were to make a lemon merange pi, can i put powdered sugar in the egg? or will that stop it from forming peaks?
Math is everywhere!
Pie is awesome! Pi is better!
are you guys doing anything fun for lars b-day?
I usually add granular sugar, but I'm sure powdered would work fine. If you have any cream of tartar, that stiffens it as well.
We plan on stringing him up like a pinata and beating him until he gives us some candy.
Fun for us! Not so much for him.
ah, the ol' pinata trick.
I was gonna ask the same thing. Wondering if he was getting some awsome grilled cheese, or a sweet tuna caserole?
Yesterday when I asked him what he wanted, he said grilled cheese and tomato soup. Today, he asked what are you making me and I told him grilled cheese and tomato soup and he seemed upset.
Apparently it wasn't what he wanted and I was supposed to read his mind.
Can anyone find the number to Fran Ceils? I can't seem to find it.
The lady has a myspace page and claims to make over $250,000 a year!
I am so opening my own icecream spot.
i will join you on that SB. if i can use it as a platform for the ice cream socialists.
What an awesome way to combine two great ideas!
and we would be cooler than that bread company that are communist. they suck. we would rule!
i would also encourage the sale of pinatas at the shop. cause they are fun.
We would rule! Just not in a dictatorship like way.
right, NOT in a dictatorship way. *wink*
another day off? man, lucky!
oh, spring break. bugger.
Thank you for the delicious soda bread SBs!!!
Great party. Sorry we missed jb and the penguin. We have to see you soon!! Livy's growing out of her newborns.
hey guys...sorry i wasnt able to make it....see you on sunday though for easter!!
i got some message from a nephew saying there was dinner, but there was no mention of day or time. i figured it was on sunday and i had already missed it. sorry guys!!! see you for Easter!
excuses excuses :)
oh, and i just got a thing in the mail for it is a lesbian vacation resort. i got all excited, then i found out wht it was.
OMG I am too upset.
Livy the Roman Historian
at work todfay, they had me bring in RIsk so we can play durring lunch. work may have just gotten cool .
Either cool or really unproductive.

I can see that being a bit distracting
Not to mention the tension that the quest for world domination can bring to an office
Here is a better version of The stories of Livy from the internet archive
you may be surprised at how much i normally think about world conquet at work. so, it should be no different, really.
does anyone know what is going on for Easter?
We are celebrating the rising from the dead of our savior.

Same as every year
As far as to where and when??

Not sure.

Church at 11:00 and then I'm assuming brunch after, but not sure where
Ok, i will check with Mamma and sure things up.
I was hoping for jb waffles. Seems perfect for Easter.
i can dye them green and blue
Outstanding. That could start a new Dr. Seuss book. Somrthing about chocolate and purple waffles for breakfast.
yr right!
only it needs to have some type of moral. maybe tha tbreakfast is an important part of the day.
i am still all fuill of candy
what was the name of that movie with the time machines and teh 2 dudes lar was talking about? i cant remember, but i saw a guy who created that theory. i want to see that movie again. it was a one word title.
The movie with the two dudes and the time machine was called Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure.

And a great movie it was
perhaps longer than one word, but it is definitely the one that you were thinking about
oh yeah! that was totaly bill and teds. great movie.
a cast of characters like Socrates, Napoleaon, Ghengis Khan. Man, and teh sequal was alright too.
Was it Stargate?
(I just wanted to play along).
Livy had her shots today. Big frowny face. But she's 10 pounds and 22 inches. I'm dyin' cause she's still not as big as jb when he was born. I don't know where she'd fit!!!
ps - she was UBER angry baby.
Poor little girl.

getting the shots is the worst. (for the baby and mom and dad)
The theory that makes time travel possible is the Flux Capacitor. Invented by Dr. Brown.
he amde that thing mostly from old pinball amchine parts and stuff he stole from iranians. good times.
Primer. It was Primer.
even the dirt is clean
Wishing you all a happy Friday
In the immortal words of Stephen Morrissey...There's too much caffeine in my bloodstream
right there with you, bro.
to quote him further "the pain was enough to make a shy, bald Budist reflect and ponder mass murder"
Unfortunately I know means
Unfortunately I know what he means
The caffeine has warn off and now I'm very sleepy again.
right? you need a red bull.
Not too sure if that would be a good idea. I actually think that it is against the librarian code of conduct to be consuming energy drinks.

Too much energy for the reference desk. Bad juju.
I don't think we should let the 2 of you talk. Could lead to trouble.
Happy Friday!!
and a happy Friday to you too and to the mini pumpkin as well
hahahahahahah mini pumpkin. classic.
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