Tuesday, March 04, 2008


Hey! I'm not doing anything wrong!

I'm just dancing.

well, thats wrong if yr a puritan.
did the J-man catch his bus?
Hey everyone!! It's cold again. ugg!!
everything is frozen again.
the dancing queen.
and trust me, Fernando is a huge queen.
Yes, he did catch his bus.
He's a bus pro now!
Stupid puritans
The good weather is just such a tease.
well, there is always one day in February or march that is awesome. it was officially titled "everyone's down day" by the HCMF's in college. you can walk around, and all are down for hanging out.

I have an idea, but am not certian
And now we are supposed to get some kind of crazy storm?
That's right. There's nothing wrong with dancing. No matter what the Reverend Moore says.
The school play for Angola is Footloose. You can't stop the dancing.
A footloose play? out of control.
the HCMFs were the Hard Core MFer's. Hard Core shall be our refuge.
Holy crap...did you guys hear grandma H's story? I just read it and have the chills.
what? no. was it emailed or something?
hit me up with it.
I usually get grandma's e-mails, but apparently yesterday in Wendy's after she left, a gunman came out of the bathroom and started shooting. I'll e-mail the story to you.
I just sent grandma's story and a blurb from aunt diane. Let me know if you get it.
I saw that on the news and thought of grandma, as I assumed that if it was a Wendy's in FL, gramma would be there. Holy Cow!!!
Right? Grandma was apparently got the wrong salad and was going to go back and complain and then just decided not to.

coincidence or divine intervention?
I do think that if I were to go to Wendy's, I'd be using the drive thru from now on
so I was right on on the HCMF
Footloose as a play is SwEeT!
moonvertising rocks!!


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crazyness. all of it.
ANOTHER SNOW DAY!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
here i am, working like a sucker
My normal drive is 40 minutes, but today it was 1 hour 5 minutes - to work like a sucker!
Noooo! Can't cancel school - we have TESTing to do today.
crazy weather.
it is horrible out, then fine. the roads suct, my car was entombed with ice and my chinchilla escaped from his cage this morning. and here i am, working like a sucker.
Boys sleeping soundly and warmly at home, don't have to scrape off car, but have to drive through no snow plow visited roads, to get here to work, like a sucker.
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