Friday, March 07, 2008


Kitty's got his eye on you...

Weird freak.

Happy Friday!
Grandma Maggie would like to invite everyone to the *** tonight for dinner. It would be at 5:30pm.
Be there or be late for dinner.
seriously, i know i say this a lot, but today, thank god its friday!!!
it doesn't seem to come soon enough.
this is the first 5 day week i have had since x-mas and it is wearing me down. maybe the second, but still.
I do feel a little guilty but I'm lovin' being home with the little one. I think 2 days of work a week is probably enough. 3 tops.
See you at the ***!!!
what does Livy get at the ***?
but man, their toasted tuna sandwiches rule.
Livy tries to steal french fries. Oh wait, that was me.
Anything I drop on her head while holing her!
Luckily I was not required to work a full week.
It would have been an outrage.
I am hoping the weather stays bad until Monday...
Come on snow day!!!!
Also, Grandma Maggie has been moving her stuff into her new office! Come and see the magic!
dude, i cannot wait to see her office with nothing in it. not since it was remodeled and she was working on the porch has it been clear.
indeed, majik. eye of newt and all that.
crazy weather
SB, if yr looking for an endless supply of humerous animal pics, check out icanhascheeseburger
hi mom.
no track practice today
see you soon! :-)

love, bsod
Seriously?? no school again?
Seriously, I was worried the SB might have to pull a full week. Phew!!
so, is anyone working today?
i am here
Poor JB - never gets any of the days off. Well, probable good to give your Wii the day off at least.
Poor JB - never gets any of the days off. Well, probable good to give your Wii the day off at least.
I am working -- like a sucker!
me too, mamoo. like sukers
and the Wii can handle it.
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