Thursday, April 17, 2008


I hate Guinea Hens...

As much if not more than regular hens.

I felt keeping angry baby was appropriate.
Uh oh. Is it that time again??
Guineas make a horrible noise.
Actually, one of the guineas flew out of the coop and is now roosting in one of our trees.
The boys tried to get it down, but couldn't.
did they throw rocks at it? that might work,
and so you know, they prefer to be called italian-american hens.
hYsterical!!! In the tree???
I'm hoping Lar got these because they produce the most excellent eggs. (Just tell us there's a reason).
Livy might like them though. She likes the noisy duck Catie got her for Easter. Not really a big fan of the barking pink dog. But likes the noisy duck.
wack wack
and she is way too young tto be seeing the pink dogs, meng. that is college stuff!
roar!!! i love you allosaurus and gigantosaurus
eggs are no good as they are tiny. Need 2 for 1 regular egg!
so which of the boys is sitting under the tree waiting for the eggs to fall?
So why did he get them???
1st: Jen check buffnet email
2nd: Why not get them? The boys and I agree that they are pretty sweet!!! Except for the flying part that we were unaware of.
Lastly: 71 degrees outside is pretty hot, Spike and I are going to have to take it easy for the rest of the day.
don't forget my delicious meal for when I get home
OUR delicious meal. and mom, the guineas are amazing. no guinea hating
please, italian american
angry baby is not getting any less pissed off. anger seems chronic
there is much anger i feel.
I don't even know what those tings are.

They look like turkeys without proper feathers???
not only is anger chronic, it is contagious
as are smiles and laughter
and chicken pox
contagious that is.

I do not believe that the chicken pox is chronic
it is if it is the shingles. then it is chronic.
shingles? is that where you start becoming a roof? strange. mom, i'm going to the football thing. i love you!

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