Wednesday, April 30, 2008


If you can't make yourself better

make everyone around you worse.

That's my motto.
the ugly stick. classic.
my motto is "old people suck"
I would have thought it was "old people make good crackers"
Just goes to show you that you should never assume.
It makes an @$$ out of you.
hey, yr trying to pull my trick! to get me to say and me!! then you say, that is what i said.
i aint falling for that like my high school spanish teacher. hahahah
Nothing worse than taking a sharp ugly stick to the eye
That causes pain on so many levels
Oh, the Cinco de Mayo party is bring your own rice
I'm hoarding mine
but please, no food riots
except for the mad dash for the pinata guts.

but I'm not sure if that is technically a food riot
maybe the pinata will be filled with rice. Then if people are fighting over the rice, it would be a food riot.

I will tape it and post it to youtube to show how desperate we are for rice
I got you with that once, so I thought I'd try again. ;-)
A pinata filled with rice would be AWESOME!!!
I dare you...
Outside pinata this year
maybe I'll put it in ziplock baggies.

To make it easier to take home
I'm torn by the dare.

stupid me, opening my mouth
That's a lot of pressure. The dare is in effect.
dang. i was hoping to steal most of yr rice while i was there. i too am hording.
I love you allosaurus.
I am hoarding, but not rice. I am hoarding all my intelligent thoughts.
You will never get them!
The picture is silly
perhaps I should begin hoarding my unintelligent thoughts
I think those monks who take a vow of silence are on to something
although there is a good chance that none of them are Irish.
for those of you who care

LSD inventor Albert Hofmann dies
i care!! in his journal, he talks about how he touched it accidentally and then an hour later was like, why did i touch that accidentally!
mmmm... bagged rice.
RIOTS- the unbeatable high!!
Livy rolled over. Twice. So I ran to get the camera. No more rollin'.
She seems to be on to me.
she gets yr game. no youtube for her!!!
What a wiggler!
how cute is Olivia
rolling today. running through the house acting like a T-rex tomorrow.
HHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!! i still do that t-rex one.
that and cat guns. PEW PEW PEW
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