Thursday, April 10, 2008


New Office Tonight!

The Peeps are ready to party!!!

Yes, it is a Peep barlog.
Be afraid. Be very afraid.
ah the office. this is going to be like christmas, new years and tet all rolled into one!
and i have my money on the home team in that base ball game.
how did BSOD do yesterday throwing midgets and such.
He did a good job. He was the #2 CHS thrower for shotput and #3 for discus but this was his first time ever throwing discus.
Overall he wasn't too sure of how he did. It was freezing cold windy nasty at St. Frannies. And we saw cousin Neal who said they pretty much win all the home meets because no one is quite prepared for that wind and they train in it.
Thanks to Molly Pumpkin and Livy for braving the weather to come and see.
WOW!!! That's great for Jack!!! And he's only a Freshman. All that wood is paying off.
Yeah new Office!!!
ah, the advantages of training on the lake. it worked in soccor too.
I'm back listening to all your blasphemies!! Now, you've made me so hungry, I have to go home and get some Peeps!
I heard about yesterday's event from the Eden uncle and he called us the enemy. Glad to hear that Jack performed so well--as I was told, Orranges don't run!
mmmmmm.... blasphemy.
some people have way too much time on their hands. who would make a peep baseball game?

yes, i threw shotput 21 feet and discus 43 feet.

wow, that is pretty sweet. do they do javalin at yr school? Kris threw in college and could give you some pointers.
No javalin...I thought it was pretty risky to give teenage boys a 13 pound ball to throw.
I could really go for a Peep right about now.
I need a sugar high to kick in.
my boss brought in his left over waster candy which included about 60 peeps. i keeo them in a bag under my desk.
Livy thought that was funny.
Oh my goodness! I am so insanely jealous! Gimmie!!!!
well, heres the rub. we are doig a "biggest loser" although it is called acheiver, as no one wants to offend any fatties here, and i got roped into a team (which, first off, i was pissed they asked me, i think i rival the body of some greek god, but whatever (p.s., my team name is the Twisted Sisters)) so i am trying to not eat these peeps. you all know how hard that is!!! there are like 40 left! all pink and purple and calling me and promising me things. my desk candy dish is empty but i am so hording these peeps. i was tempted to have all out microwave war with them, but such a tragic waste! oh, the preasure!
Oh my poor achiever.
if only you had the time to put little uniforms on them...

You could make a track meet and hve little peeps throwing shotput
Oh I love when reality TV enters into the office. Nothing like it.

Good luck with achieving
We had it here but I didn't join. The winner won $300 and only lost 15 lbs. I was so pissed! If I had only known what slackers were involved...
Water up before the first weigh-in!
And give yourself a good colon cleansing before the last. (Sliders generally do the trick.)
So pissed!
psssssssst....buddy....I can help you out with that peep problem real cheap....
boy do I need some sugar right now.
maybe I'll do a packet
we had the first weigh in. i had 2 pounds of keys in my pockets and ate like a horse for a day. i came in as obese. and before the last, i am going to pull the old brocolli trick.
i have found that sugar free jello (peacekeeping missles?) is pretty good. not good for you, but it is ok to eat. ......... with whipped cream.
I am a fan of the chocolate pudding.
....when I'm not eating a pint of ice cream.
yeah, i had to finish off my purple ice cream prior to the start. but i do not thin ki can go 8 weeks without.
Anything is edible with whipped cream!
i am willing to test that.
I love you Allosaurus and Gigantosaurus!!
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