Thursday, April 03, 2008



Just Pretend.

i always do!
pretend to work, pretend to be interested, pretend that i care.
pretend that i am not the one eating all the candy out of my candy dish at work.
pretended to have that eboli to get out of work.
Not a bad plan. Today I will pretend to wear pants.
good one!!! i will hav eto try that at work. but all the guys here would just pretend they didnt like it.
i pretended to have the Bends. then i really got the bends. that suct.
3 months in a decompression chamber. not the summe vacation i was hoping for.
Got to go back a couple. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
dude, my computer jsut "pretended" to not be able to find this page. i am pissed. it best stop messing with me.
or i will pretend to not throw it out a window.
why even come to work if i cant blog?
In protest, I would stop pretending to work.
seriously. i was about to.
I've been pretending to be the queen of England all day.
Now I need to pretend that I'm not in the back of an ambulance on my way to Wacko-ville.
Although maybe I'll pretend that Wacko-ville is exactly were I want to be.
not pretending, but seriously, i think i am the mayor of that place.
I'm definately pretending to work right now
It definately seems to be a common theme with me. pretending to work

Although, there are times I don't even bother pretending anymore
It doesn't really seem to matter either way???
I contemplated pretending to be a Barry Obama supporter, but I think that was pushing it a bit too far
yeah, dont even bother to pretend that. the irony would be lost.
It is sad, but it does seem like irony is just about dead nowadays.
It seems too subtle for the world in which we live
irony is a dead scene.
especially political irony. i cant even joke about voting for Nader anymore without being labeled a communist.
There you went and flagged the site again.
If Nader is a communist, what does that make Obama?
hey man, those flags are well earned. hahahahah
and that makes obama a flash in the pan
I hope that you are correct.

I have a feeling that he may be a four year flash in the pan, a la Jimmy the peanut farmer
yeah, we are. and funny you should mention him as he just endorsed that guy. to which i say, peanuts.
what??? crazy
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