Tuesday, April 08, 2008


squiggles and doodles


This is your Peep on drugs.
So scary.
You learn something new every day.
Or at least I did.
I couldn't get my own squiggles and doodles.
That might be someone with too much free time. Or someone working for an ad agency. I think they get to do that stuff all day.
The peeps in the pan, that is.
Now that I'm thinking, you really missed the boat. You should be working for an ad agency.
mornig jokers!
i dig the peeps. i like to microwave them with toothpicks so it looks like they are jousting.
Hey JB. I figured if you were at a park yesterday, you would be out with an injury today. Funny right???
The Peep in the frying pan disturbs me.

Perhaps it is the peeps watching that I find so disturbing.
oh, and in regards to yesterdays post about Charlton, so you are all aware, i did pry the gun from his cold dead hands.
and yesterday, on my way to the park, a VP from work here was having lunch and saw me. so busted. but at the same time, he looked like i busted him, so i think we have a delecate truce.
I hope that you are not making fun of Charlton. His ghost will come and kick your @$$.

That was one crazy dude
The nice thing about being in the boonies, is no one is around to bust you.
If you were in a position to be busted that is.
well, thing was, i was drinking an enormous energy drink (thanks to Arizona) that looked like i may have had a giant beer. good times.
and to Charlton i say BRING IT ON!!!!! that dystopian food critic.
I love you mamoo
ROAR!! I love you too!!
So would it be wrong to want the Peep with cheese on a bagel? YUM!
sound quite appropriate!
I'm sure Timmy Ho's is thinking up that combo right now.
the tag line could be "Its made out of PEEPle!!!!"

you know, sticking with this heston thing.
That was yesterday pal. We're on squiggles and doodles today. If you came to work...think of the endless possibilities.
You play you pay.
i was just working for some continuity between the days.
continuity??? What are you crazy??
Roar! I love you allosaurus and Trex too.
the dinosaurs are taking over
what, you don't think that they are hiding in the everglades just waiting to make their come back?
It's purely because I'm still jealous.
Although I did just escape for a bit.
WHAT?!?! you left?!? oh, i am so very jealous. very VERY jealous.
sigh. track practice. long, dull.
i love you mom!

at least they make you run outside. notice i said make. no one does that cause they like it.
check out YouTube - Teletubbies and AppleBottom Jeans. Kinda funny :)
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