Friday, May 09, 2008


I shall not communicate verbally now ...

I have to get my wallet out of the toaster.

Look out for the toast monster.
why wouldnt you say that to her face?
great office.
and wicked toaster!
i wannt skull toast.
so, speaking of skulls, a friend of mine in a different part of the country just emailed me saying a few days ago, some kids dug up a grave. but not only did they dig up a grave, they romoved a skull. not only did they remove a skull, they used it as a bong. TWISTED!!
dude, this skull has me so bombed!
That's really quite messed up. "a different part of the country" meaning Mars?
Happy Friday!!!!
Hope all you worker bees have a good day.
The problem with sb talking about how many days of school are left is that it kind of equates to how many I have left before I have to go back.
C'mon Megaball!!!!!
i do like the toast character. he seems a little deranged.
I want to know which anonymous Mom is on MY children's blog? That was NOT YOUR Mom who spoke in favor of cloves; however, I do like the smell and taste of them.
Congrats to Mamoo and Sleepers on the house offer- I heard that from my lawyer. Surprize! My inet is all messed up. Have a good day! Mom
That's Mr. Toast to you.
I have been making every effort not to be nosey about the house. But I can't wait to hear!!
I think it may have been mamoo that likes the cloves...not too sure.
Although I really did think it was you.
They have an inspection tomorrow that I was going to crash...
I guess I can fess up since my mother isn't savvy enough to find this site. It was my mother who served spam with cloves and a brown sugar glaze. I was the anonymous "hey"ing my husband for mocking my mother.

Apparently as children - we loved it! We mock her about it now though.
mmmmmmmmm.......clove covered spam with brown sugar
i dig on spam. i like it with spicy mustard or honey mustard. but i guess that is jsut polishing a turd.
Arrgh, I need myself some pirate toast
although, I think that the whole Sweet toast of mine is a reference to the old G&R Sweet child of mine, So perhaps this toaster was custom made for Axel Rose or Slash which would curb my enthusiasm to have a slice of pirate toast
The offer was accepted, but now for the home inspection, not that I anticipate any issues, but we've been to this ponit twice before, but I'm assuming that this one will go better
Godspeed, brother-man. i hope this works out for you guys.
but jsut keep the SBs away from yr home inspection. i get a bad feeling when she said she was going to "crash" it. i get the feeling she meant her car intot eh hosue.
JB I just recd a call brom Blockbuster - you have D'argellian ?? still out. What about ACS? The REAL MOM!!!
I told Kathryn that we need to rethink this and go somewhere where we can be completely off of the grid.

The whole coming collapse in society and all
She wasn't for that though???
Wow! Look at that...the Real Mom using the blog for bill collecting. Not good.
And I'm pretty sure it is not what the Good Lord intended for blog usage.
Some things just cross the line.
Like when will ferrel dances in his underwear.
Just wrong.
or the entire Smurf series.
or the entire Will Ferrel oeuvre
and what movie did you have out???

I lost my borrowing priveleges at Blockbuster years ago for having The Black Robe out too long.
the darjealing limited. wes anderson. real good. the wilson brothers.
Well if you ever get a chance to watch The Black Robe.... run the other way and avert your eyes
its about those Jesuits and you know haw they are
got ya. steer clear.
I'm sure Jack will appreciate the Jesuit comment.
Sorry. Maybe its just my Franciscan bias that is clouding my judgement of the Jesuits
It's amazing that SB would dare to criticize the REAL MOM for ANYTHING! and her being a MOM herself!!
my quick political rant

So far the Barry and Hillary have spent a combined total of $341,055,936 on the primaries (183,671,081, Barry and 157,384,855 Hillary)

That's a lot of cash
the popular vote breaks down as such (without counting Florida and Michigan. Really don't want to hear the Democratic blather about votes not being counted again)

Barry - 12,891,604

Hillary - 12,217,745

If the conventional wisdom holds true and the Democratic nominee wins in the fall (which would be difficult not to happen with the problems the Republicans have including a president that not many people like, an economy with problems and a candidate that even the Republicans don't like) this would mean that approx 25 million people have chosen the president for the rest of us????

Happy Democracy
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