Thursday, May 08, 2008


Inane blather

Nothing quite like it.

Or is it insane blather?
Not quite sure.
New Office tonight!
and new Lost!
and new Survivor!
And new 30 Rock!
Too bad I won't be home!
Seriously, why are all the shows on one night.
And how in the world does Lost think I can stay up past 10pm.
its true though. what they said about the lakitu.
you make him chase you. and never fall for that trick he plays where he gives you the 1up mushroom. dont take it. he just starts throwing shells at you.
did you see in the indy 500? that one guy got hit with an arrant green turtle shell. those are the worst.
Subj: The following companies just filed for Bankruptcy:

Hollywood Video
Sharper Image
Performance Team Freight
Linens n Things
Circuit City
Bed, Bath and Beyond
If you have gift cards from the above list use them ASAP,
they will not be valid for much longer.
I'd vote for insane...
anonymous who?
sb - is it something for the boys or something for your school?
For anyone interested, Jesus bought the Harley hat for $29.26. Yes. Jesus.
Ladies Auxiliary...but actually the boys have their last football thing at the Ralf tonight as well.
Cool. I didn't realize it was there.
at the raloph? what is up?
can i tailgate for it?
I don't see why not.
Tuesday was a good one because some of the Bills were there and they had a question/answer session with them. McGee was one of them and #37, #17 and #?? brain fried.
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