Wednesday, May 07, 2008


Listen to me Lil Abner...

Keep your fried baloney hole shut!

mmmmmmmmmmmmmm..........fried baloney
I originally thought it was a bowl of soup with garnish on the top. But now that I know it is fried bologna - YUCK!
I'm with you on thinking it was soup??
I'm so going to the store and getting a couple of half inch slabs of balogna and frying them up for lunch. I'm certain that is a good idea
kris almost got a fried balona sub the other night. i said, bad idea.
but charlie the butcher, that guy can make it!
Kim used to get fried balonie alot when we went out for lunch.
She's from Lackawanna.
well, that explains it.
i have been on a salami sub kick.
and by kick, i may subconsciencly mean death wish
I remember when fried baloney was on the lunch menu specials at the golf course.
people would come in just for that.
not for golfing...just for baloney
that almost makes sense. golf is kind of boring. but golfing with a stomache full of balona, that is excitment.
It would make the golf truly interesting if you consumed the meal prior to going out on the course
You'll be putting your ball in the woods on purpose by the fifth hole
and the salami sub??? That can't possible be good for you
yeah, it is not goodf for me, but oh, it is so good.
i found they acctually have to put enzymes on it to get it to become salami, so it is alive.
hey mom. check your email. apparently mr lombardo sent directions yesterday.
thanks big guy! I got them and will see you there. Are you coming here first? Do you want to get something to eat?
like balogna?
but of course! I wouldn't be offering anything else.
fried pickles, maybe.
twinkies. outside of cokroaches, the only thing to survive a nuclear holocaust.
sure! i'll see you soon!

are you actually using this for communication? for shame!!!!! inane chatter only!!!!
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