Thursday, May 29, 2008


orangele groupie!

a aa aaa aaaaaa aaaaaaaa aaaaaaaah aaaaaaaau
aaaaaaaaahh aaaaaaaaaaag...
I can't open it though. :-(

Fairy fossils. Proof that fairies exist.
Even if only in the rainbow district.
Season finale tonight!!!!
EEEWWW! YUCK!! I think I might have to avoid the blog today if that is the picture that is going to greet me!
the funniest thing is that orangele groupie was a googlewhack until I used it for my blog, thus nullifying the reason for the blog title in the first place.
Oh, the tangled webs we weave.
what a catch 22
This lost is going to be so big, I may need a countdown
oingo boingo! that's a crazy picture
Mom might come to the ball game, too, but I'll get my ticket at the gate - I won't go if it is raining, so I don't want to buy in advance. Are you getting reserved seats or general admission?
I was going to go with the reserved so we could sit together.
I think we should watch that again.
Doesn't JB know yet that he needs to call in advance if he's not going to be blogging???
It's in my nature.
Could anyone with pics from Livy's Baptism e-mail me a couple??? Thanks.
myne are not so good...but when I get a chance to snapfish them, I'll send you the link
They are very dark and far away...little boys helping me out ;-)
I can't believe JB is not here on a Thursday. he must be getting ready for the big Lost.
either the new Lost or he is getting an early jump on Beer in the Square
either the new Lost or he is getting an early jump on Beer in the Square
don't know why that happened?

Doulbe post?

Perhaps there is another me in another demension doing the exact same thing at th same time?

It would kind of defeat the whole other demension thing if we were doing the same thing?
Liv just fell asleep on my shoulder. I melted.
I'll send the picture that we have this evening
how cute.

There is nothing like having a baby sleeping on you
I meant pictures
not that it is the worst thing in the world, but I hate forgetting user names and passwords.

I have way too many and I never seem to remenber the correct combinations

That's why I carry my list with me at all times. As well as all my financial information.
With my social security card.
Safety first.
tee hee hee! seriously!
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