Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Have a Great Summer!!!!!
P.S. Candy is not supposed to make you sadder.
P.S. Candy is not supposed to make you sadder.
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For those who are still connected, yes, I am back, and yes, I have my new red Sebring--what do you want? I needed an oil change!
If Peter hears this, could you connect my pool filter before you become Daddy Day Care? Puleeze! I let BRO get away before I remembered. I have a lot of work to do to get it cleaned up for summer. I'll bet the Princess will like water. Also, PJ won $5 in the Holy Spirit lottery (as did I). Time to go home. The real MOM
If Peter hears this, could you connect my pool filter before you become Daddy Day Care? Puleeze! I let BRO get away before I remembered. I have a lot of work to do to get it cleaned up for summer. I'll bet the Princess will like water. Also, PJ won $5 in the Holy Spirit lottery (as did I). Time to go home. The real MOM
Now that the blog is in summer mode, I will have to find something else to spend the extra ten minutes a day that I will now have.
but nothing that I could find will ever be as spiritually and emotionally fulfilling.
but nothing that I could find will ever be as spiritually and emotionally fulfilling.
Well, i am back and safe. i got sun sick pretty bad. but, i will try to post daily here as i have an addiction to this blog.
Olivia Claire gets cuter every day. I had fun with her on Monday. She was so pleasant.
Thank you boys. The pool is up and running - now, I just have to get all the leaves out. Mom
Thank you boys. The pool is up and running - now, I just have to get all the leaves out. Mom
candy would also make me sad if it were grossand assy
I may never eat a cherry cordial again (not that I would have anyway, because I think that they are kind of gross and assy)
I may never eat a cherry cordial again (not that I would have anyway, because I think that they are kind of gross and assy)
One time at School Street, for some reason I had a box of Cherry Cordials. As I would not consume them (as they are gross and assy) they became fodder for war games between the Pumpkin and myself. (besides the tiny rubber bands for braces) I had forgotten our war one evening and to my horror woke up with gross and assy smothered on my favorite grandma h. blanky. I could never think of cherry cordials the same again. Now they were gross, assy and sucky.
it is friday!!! and the longest day of teh year!!! i am getting at least 26 hours out of this one!!! happy Solstice!!!!
to the readers of the "non-blog", Aunt Jeanne Schenk LOVES cherry cordials. They were always yucky at our house -- they were smashed and left in the boxes of chocolates.(which is pretty bad). Have a good weekend to all. When is Malcolm's BD party and when is the closing in Crane Ridge? MOM
and seriously, what did he have to do on mondays that was so horrible? he was a fruiggin overweight cat! i have one of those and she doesnt do anything on mondays.
I feel successful because I haven't walked out of school yet. Very slow day and I am not looking forward to the rest of the week - it is going to DRAAAAAAGGGG!!
my boss told me yesterday that even after my extended vacation, i still have more time off than he does.
What do Garfield and your mother have in common (besides the ample physique)? Neither works on Mondays!! HA!!!!That cat is pretty smart, Huh?
mamoo is still at school because she works for a public school. I never could understand why we pay so much for a Catholic school education and get so many more days off!!
i will tell you why; Saints. to remember their hard work, we get days off. thanks for having the stigmata, i am taking the day off.
which reminds me, i think the feast of Maximum Occupancy is comming up soon. i think that is one of the Flying Spagetti Monster holidays.
although, i have increased my gummie intake. i dont know if it has been enough for a 1% increase in a 8 trillion dollar economy, but... it5 is a lot.
I bought a new car - did I contribute to the increase in the economy? Perhaps.
I have never been bored, so I wouldn't know what to do. I won't live long enough to complete my "To Do List". Mom
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I have never been bored, so I wouldn't know what to do. I won't live long enough to complete my "To Do List". Mom
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