Friday, June 06, 2008


Laugh until I cry!

But nobody knows what I'm doing.

Well, obviously we missed JB yesterday...
16 people!
Come on!
Have you no shame?!?!?!
where is your work ethic????
You need to be committed to that #20.
Committed I say!
(hand wave)
perhaps not appropriate, but who doesn't want cake at 8 in the morning.
Please, why do you think coffee cake was invented.
Cake for the morning.
Donuts are really just tasty fried cake.
Again, an excuse to eat cake in the morning.
Pastries...just flat cake.
Kuudsafl;jsafka....just realllly good cake.
cinnamon rolls are just rolled up cake.
Just like that people...just like that.
Or rather... that just happened.
back to cake
Danish is just a fancy name for cake.
I'm pretty sure I need to come up with a cake cereal.
Eating your cake and milk at the same time!
pure genius!
It worked with cookie crisp.
Wait. No it didn't.
What do you mean it didn't? I love Cookie Crisp!
Back to the cake.....where should I pick it up?
Livy just found her toes in the bathtub. She thinks they're pretty interesting.
Now she's just eating her dress.
I plan to be Kathie Lee. All conversations lead back to Livy.
OK, I didn't plan it. It just kind of happened.
yummmm.... tasty dress....

last day of classes!!!

go bsod!!!
Livy's wearing her Easter dress. It's finally warm enough.
Funny that it still fits....And I think she looks so big!!
See people. I'm doing my part.
Mostly cause it's siesta time.
For those of you who care... Oil just hit $139.00 a barrel. It went up $11.00 in just one day????

on Tuesday it closed at $122.

Are they kidding with this? Is this some kind of awful joke?
In 2001 oil was $23.00 a barrell

In 1998 it was $12.00

In ten years oil has risen 1100%????
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