Monday, June 09, 2008


There's no WAY you could eat that whole thing.


I will regret it afterwards, but I can always eat the whole thing :)
I will eat the whole thing.

She will have to share it with me
How many more days left?
Boo Hoo. Who said how many days left?
Why do you have to taunt us with questions like that? I still have (counting today) 14 days left :(
It's not really so much about how to eat the whole thing as much as it is WHY eat the whole thing....
I have no good answer.
That's like asking why climb Mt Everest.

We all have our own deep dark personal reasons for needing to accept the challenge.
That, and it just so tasty
Tomorrow is it folks!
Sorry :-(
When someone says "there's no way..." I do take that as a challenge.
Darn them!
Those challengers
I'll show them a thing or two.
I'll eat the whole thing and then that other thing that's over there.
Even though I'm not hungry anymore.
The two youngun's are done already.
Big guy has his exams this week.
The real question then is....why be there at all this week?
do you then have to go back for exam days?
I think that I'm jealous
Is it too late to switch careers again?
I'm sure that I could make a fascinating high school history teacher.

I'm sure that there is not a glut on the market for secondary school history teachers
I agree! Why come this week at all! ;-)
I do have two exams I have to proctor next week.
Every school can use another nut job history teacher.
Why stop with the ones they already have.
Who cares about history????
It already happened!
Math Rules!!!!
Chemistry people. Chemistry. No one wants to be a chemistry teacher.
Actually, I have no idea if anyone wants to be a chemistry teacher. Are there alot of chemistry teachers. I mean. no one probably wants to take chemistry...
I was looking through the pictures, Pumpkin, and I saw the poo foot. Gross. :-)
You know I had to put it there.
poo foot???

math does rule
And history teachers may be the most boring of all

The worst is when they act all excited about history.

I mean really, do they think the kids are buying into that??

Or when they try to bring in old civil war artifacts, do they really need to promote the fact that they are geeky civil war buffs?

Is there any way to actually make it worse?

i like civil war stuff. wait, that makes me a nerd. uh oh.
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