Thursday, July 24, 2008


Millsons climb Marcy!

That's right.

The highest mountain in New York State.

Or as I like to say...


It might not have been that snowy.
On to Everest.

hope you all are having fun
good job!!!
and new york may as well be the world.
i also am a little concerned about the urinal that is a mouth.
You climbed that????!!!!!!!!
the urinal?
mo, i forgot the joke this morning. i will have to tell you on teh way home. it is another Assimov goodie. hahah
I have another grievance.
IK seem to have quite a few grievances, but seem to lack an appropriate grievance board to settle them. much to my displeasure.
I am also very hungry right now, but do not think that my hunger rises to the level of grievance.

Although it may very soon.

I'm quite certian that the paltry supply of decent snacks in the vending machine can be constituted as a grievable offense. So with that said...I grieve the lack of decent snack food. Please include that in the next round of negotiations
It's not fair to come on the blog without warning!
the young mjo also has a grievance.

It has todo with the lack of tv at his new residence. He does not understand why there is not cable. He says, the cable is there, just plug it in.

I believe that his grievance would be sustained in front of the grievance board
i will take that up with the committee. he may have a good point.
turns out the greivence board has a grievence about MJO's greivence. they feel he needsd to submit it in writting. crayon is fine.
Clear infraction.
jb - 3.9 miles. And you are slow. Google said 1 hour 18 minutes. Not 19 minutes. 18.
like i said, though, i stopped at some road kill and some downed trees. but it was downhill. i could have done it faster.
I will inform mjo of the reply of the grievance committee, but I fear that he will grieve the response.

It is a viscious circle
greivances are a tricky thing. tell him he will need to put his greivance about the greivance policy in written form and send it to them. the greivance committee that is.
is it friday yet?
I wish that it were Friday.

or that I were a teacherbum and had the summer off. that would be sweet right about now. (if it weren't for that classroom full of kids...)
like Randal said in clerks, this job would be great if it wasnt for the customers.
I concur. It is customer day here and kinda blows.
i would totally hate to have to be at customer day where you w2ork. but at least you get to bring along yr Nina. POP POP POP if a fool mouths off.
right, customer day at mo's work has got to be close to the bottom of the barrel.

at5 least it is friday!!! there was this kid palying the flute across teh styreet from my work this morning. man, the Jethro Tull jokes abounded!!!
I was hoping to get the Happy Friday in!!!
Hope the chalet people have a great vacation.
back for another week!!
Yeah!!! WORK!!!
I'd rather have my grievance.
i was going to ask about grievances. has little MJO's grievance been remedied?
I just read another article with the word salient.
nicely done. I just posted something I think you will find particularly interesting

Matt from New Orleans
hey matt!! hope yr having fun in australia
Seriously though, that is a huge mountain.
that dude was in australia when he posted that.
when is the football draft? whos house is the party at? hahaha
Party??? I'm already getting hungry!!
Havin' a great rainy day. Yaeh work!!
Yeah!! Work!!
My version of Add Fuel!!
dude, i just a bunch of flan and my belly is grumbly.
Happy Friday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Plus I am 50. Which is cool.
Without the flan.
but not age 50.
Not that there's anything wrong with that.
Just not yet.
Please make your 37 comments.
Time is running out.
Happy Friday!!! olympics begin. ADD FUEL!!!!!
i just tried to put my cereal box in the fridge- didnt seem to fit though
nothinhg like chilled frosted flakes.
like Opus in outland. he liked his cereal bowl chilled.
Of course the penguin would like cold cereal...
oh, and opus is a penguin. i getr it. back for another week!!
It was a dark and stormy night.....
I mean Monday morning.
I was thinking if the SB were around, it would be a chef tribute day.
without the crazy scientology of course.
Oh my god, they killed Chef!!
In a Borat accent.
BLAH!!!! work is for chumps!!
I concur.
Hey - where are the sleepers? Climbin' mount marcy???
there was no climbing of mount marcy, but we did survive (barely)
Back to the customer thing - I don't thik I would want to be one of jb's customers, either. Mine are bad enough.
that's a good call on jb's customers. I think I'll opt out on that too
and not that it needed confirming, but I am pretty much a wuss.

I definatly wussed out on jumping off a rock into Lake George. I tell you it was 20 feet high if it was an inch....

but seeing as mamoo made the plunge and I climbed back down to the water.......
as I was slinking back into the water, I thought to myself... is this what its like to be 37??
and by that I mean wise (not old)

(altough MJO has been calling me a middle aged man recently. something about the gray in my beard)
and still no cable for mjo.

when we were coming home, we passed a time warner building and he piped up from the back seat saying, I think now is when we will get the cable.
wow - $1.60 for a beverage from the machine????
and you thought that gas was expensive at $4.25 a gallon???

at $1.60 for a 20 ounce soda, that would be $10.24 for a gallon of pepsi!!!!

That my friends is crazy.

$10.24 for some liquid, flavored corn syrup???
Boy - that vacation didn't settle you down one bit....
welcome back!!
welcome back, Sleepers and crew!!! sux to no cable for MJO
i think nyquil is like 75 dollars a gallon. but i rarely need a gallon. i mean, a quart will do me, btu that is still expensive.
but at least i know why my teeth are green!!
soylent nyquil.
So I know that I've been in Communicado, which is very close to being in Cognito, but really, I missed Favre to the Jets????

Could this be?

Now the Bills not only have to face Tom Brady twice a year, they now have to face Favre twice a year?

This can't be good.

Go Bills!!!
Will the Madden Curse strike Favre this year???
I'm starting to wonder what else I missed this past week?
then I can't believe that it took me until five o'clock to find out.

you would have thought that I would have noticed that a bit earlier in the day
when i got back from the thousand islands, i clicked on yahoo and Russert was dead.
omfg - rtfm
would that be wrong to say?
i am not even sure if you said anything
i just like to say PWNED!!!!
tisnf. I have no idea what is happening.
add fuel!!
Now I know how the $100 oil barrell man felt.
not sure what adding fuel is all about, but I'm quite sure that I am adding feul at an alarming rate
add fuel.
what a day. johnny blaze is running ragged.
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