Thursday, July 10, 2008


Who is this "Brendan"?

And what is his "agenda"?

(censored picture)

and we may have just crossed some lines of blogging. does this open the deluge to vulgarities?
penis is not vulgar. It's nature.
Like vagina.
Or V-jay jay
I'm very disturbed by the talk of penises and vagunas
It just doesn't seem right
This may explode my computer.
did the SBs cencor the pic or was it big brother (not sleepers)
I thought it was just me.
nope. i think we got busted!
apparently, the ever present google does not like talk of such perverted things
although, I'm thinking that, with what is available on the line, a stick figure mentioning his penis is rather far down the list of troubling images to be censored
This day seems to be taking longer than normal

Is anyone messing with the time space continuum?
I know a few of you out there just can't resist a little prank with good old time, but really, could you speed it up a bit?
sorry. my bad. i was trying to microwave instant coffee again. messing with time.
Could someone please mess with time today. Make it go fast, please...
Woo Hoo!!!!! FRIDAY!!!!!!!!
I know I'm talking to myself....
Happy Friday to all
and, wow the Dow Jones Index is taking a hit
Look out for falling stock brokers
I know that this may come as a surprise to everyone, but Travis henry has tested positive again Delightful.
What is Brendan's agenda?
my agenda is to get Travis to start testing clean!!!!
and maybe to win the lottery
not that creepy lottery where they stone you to death though, i mean like the money lottery
Good plan. I mean series of actionable events.
i like to have goals for myself and meet them, gnome sane?
Brenz, was that you driving around in the Mercedes S 600 today?
Nice set of wheels
Is it an agenda or a plot?

I picture more plotting then agenda writing.
Tell me more....
Not that anyone is listening, nor should they care, but my head hurts
sorry abiout yr noggin, man., what car?
Wonder how the packing's going???? Must be why the head hurts....
that would make my head hurt.
JB is BACK!!!!
until i sign back in to the new gmail account.
oh right, yr all moving. Good luck!!! hope it all works out.l
Happy Friday!!
Happy Saturday to all.

We are all moved - Special shout out to the Milsons. They were a fantastic help.

Now we just need to empty out the house on Sterling of all the junk and other related things left behind. There seems to be a lot of it.
glad to hear yr all moved!!
also, have fun to the rest of them!! on yr vacation
spike is vicious!!!! bit off a toe.
hey guys- hope everything going well. im gonna have to decline the baby furniture/goods at this time. thank you for thinking of me though.
Hey Penguin and jb - are either of you going to Neil's grad party?

Marie was looking to find out
neals grad party?? when and where is that??
Saturday at Marie's house.

Not sure of the time.

We are going sometime after I get out of work at 5:00?
you can call mamoo. I think that she has the details?
i thought it was sunday. i think i am going. if only to crash it and be "that guy" cause you know the henessys are looking to me to be that guy.
JOHNNY BLAZE as THAT GUY!!!!! comming soon to a grad party near you!
oh yeah
all I have to say is.....

Wow is it ever raining!!!
if its on saturday night, i am working- if its on sunday im there
Really? is it going to stop raining?
Thank goodness it's raining in western new york, cause if it was only raining here...I'd be p.o.ed!
nothing like going to the library for free internet access.
watch out for that Spike!
He's an animal!
(No, really. Dogs are animals)
In case you didn't know.
A 15 mile hike is our absolute limit.
Really, after 13 miles, it stops being fun.
15 miles is more death march, then fun hike.
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