Monday, August 18, 2008


Hey Sports Fans!

Just a reminder that the OFFL draft will be
at the Orrange's new house on
Sunday, August 31st
at whatever time
the Penguins can get there. ;-)

(Make sure to bring a dish to pass.)

Happy Birthday Grandma H!
Thank you Grandma Maggie for the wonderful birthday meal!
Go Super Beetles!!!!
All day Frida I checked the blog and was so bummed no one was there. Seriously.
Add Fuel!!
i know beast wants me to keep Cha Ching as my name as i have tha tshirt, but i may want a new name. i kind of liked Shai Halud.
Who knew August had 31 days. Stupid Ceasar.
If you have any "friends" that would be interested...feel free to subject them.
Notice it's "friends" not friends.
Very important.
And the fact that this is directed to JB.
Go Super Beetles!!!!
for what? the blog??
Who you callin' a sports fan???
I am merely a fan of getting together to eat snacks and talk real loud.
This can be confirmed by an outside source if required.
yeah, it is mostly food with the yelling of names of people that happen to be football players. PREIST HOLMES!!!
If the governors require my removal, I will of course, step aside.
they asked me to leave too. i raised hell!!
im working sat night til 1am and then again at 8 am on sunday- i cant promise that there wont be tired tears at the draft :) but whenevers clever
dude, it is cold outside yet i am still sweating indoors. someone wants me dead.
I'm sure the Commish would be grateful if the tears came from someone else this year. ;-)
What time do you think you could get to the Orrange homestead, Kiddo?
hypothetical - if you could go back in time to one place and stop or do something, what woudl it be?
i have thought about th eold Abe Lincoln thing. just yelling "DUCK!!!"
OMG. I was just gonna eat the second piece of cake.
i think there was this sale on kit kats that i missed. maybe that.
anytime is fine- im done with work by 930- one problem tho- im getting a job at the stadium and therefore will not be available on sundays for draft parties, etc. i know, total bummer but i had a blast working at the stadium
wow, you leave for a couple of days and when you come back, there is a party at your house?

go figure.
I'm pretty certain that a draft party can be accomadated though.
fairly certian, anyway
actually, not certian at all, but I'm sure that something can be arranged
Add Fuel!!!!
Re: Orrange Fantasy Football League

Who are this year's participants?

And if Juan truly wants to take over the glamourous position of Commissioner, I will gladly step aside in a peaceful transfer of power.
my new draft stategy....

What, its my turn?

Who has that list....?

Who is still available???

Ok, sureI'll take that guy.

Who does he play for?

Right, him then.
It has to be better than my past stratgies, which have failed to produce a champion team
Either that or we initiate the drinking game where whenever someone drafts a Jones, Smith or Peterson or any variation of Thomson (Thompson, Tomlinson, etc), you drink. Two for a quarterback that dates either supermodels or singers and an allaround drink for any player drated that has had legal trouble in the off season.
jb would die in that game. hahahah
on the back in time thing???

that's a tough one?

Maybe one of Caligula's infamous parties?? I mean if you only get one shot, why not go to the extream?
Being the hero by averting a trajic event would be a nice feather in your cap, but changing history to that extent may have some serious side effects (just ask Marty McFly) so I think I'll stick with just being a bit player at the feast. You know, how could that possibly mess up the time space continuum
WHAT?!? No donuts??!!??
bit player, huh? i would like to heckle some famous person at some famous time so i would be in history books as that jerk.
-10x + -19 = 19 + -8x
don't sell yourself short. You still have time for that
just pick your moment wisely
how many people are in for the OFFL this year?

It is possible that we have lost a team or two.
anon, that is impossible. you cant do that. dont make me divid by zero!!!!!
i swear to vishnu, i will do it.
there is no dividing by zero necessary
although, I do hear tht it is a great party trick

jb has half a day!!! whoo hoo!!!! summer holiday. it does not compare to 3 months off.
you're right. that does not compare to 10 weeks off.

Why am I not a teacher?

Oh right, the kids.
a certian teacher I know was complaining about only having two weeks left.

I'm all like...Really, two weeks is the extent of what most people get in a year, some even less.
man. if only.
So I woke up this morning and it was really cold outside, leaves were falling off of the trees and last night I went for a walk and had to wear a sweatshirt and could see my breath??

I'm beginning to wonder about this move to the country. It seems that fall is coming a bit early.
btw where's mo?

Hope she is enjoying the glorious day
I know that there are four teams still from Tank's household. I'm not too sure if Jack will be able to be commish this year. I think he would like too, but I have a feeling school and football will take over his life. Just like the driving is doing to mine.
school?? football???

where are his priorities?

doesn't he know OFFL should come first
I think that I want to be two teams this year.

You know...double my chances of having a really crappy team
another beautiful day jokers!!
and for some unknown reason, I'm stuck inside?
i am there too. nuts to that.
ok, so all of those Hope Solo doubters out there, take that!!! She beat Brazil, the team they pulled her agaisnt in the Cup!!! that proves she had a right to bad mouth the coach!! ADD FUEL
I concur. ADD FUEL!!!

GO Hope Solo!!!!

and GO Han Solo!!!!
and a happy Friday to all
Right back atcha!!!!
i think Han is Hope's dad. from a galaxy far, far away.
Hooky religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side
I told you so
hope totally told us so!!!! i was behind her the whole way!!!!!
Top o the mornin to ya!
Wonder if Malcolm's got his cable yet????
I'm just not sure his father will make it through pre-season without it.
oh man. the little dudes cable!!
poor little guy is missing out on his pop culture.
I'm debating over the dish I wish to pass. It might be an ish wish dish. For fish.
i was thinking a giant brownie tray. it doesnt have to have anything in it, does it?
someone has been reading too much Dr. Suess
At one point in my life, I thought that there was no such thing as too much Dr. Suess.

Oh was I proved wrong. There is definately such a thing. particularly, the goofy tounge twisters.
this world needs more of jane and Spot running
mjo said that if we do not have cable, that we at least need the internet.

he is really pushing for this.

I think that he already is aware of the social implications of being the kid who does not have a TV.
dude, that is kind of nuts that he knows that.
what kind of noise annoys an oyster? a noisy noise annoys an oyster.
not having cable will apparently annoy an MJO.
You have little idea about how annoyed a certian mjo can get about his lack of cable.

You would think that he would have grown used to the idea of no cable by now, but he asks almost every day. He is definately persistant.
My compulsion to make lists is beginning to rear its non-tamable head again.

I'm feeling this urge to start assembling lists for this fantasy football draft. I thought that I could fight it, but I'm beginning to doubt my resolve.
A list must be made!!!!

the guy who invented the thesaurus, he was a compulsive list maker. he lead a horrible life filled with strife and to ward off insanity, he complied lists. he lateer turned them into a book. that is how we have thesauruss.
so it turns out that you can actually hone your fantasy football drafting skills by participating in actuall mock drafts. That's right. Mock drafts.

You sign up, choose a drafting spot and then participate in an interactive mock draft.

Who knew???
I wonder if there is a website that I can go to that would pipe in drafing crowd noise while I am mock drafting to simulate actuall drafting conditions.

if not, I'm so developing that website.
there is also this guy who gives you 75 steps to fantasy football success
that's right 75????

Are these guys for real or what.

no wonder I can't seem to have a winning season. I'm just not putting forth enough effort?

silly me.

mock drafts and 75 steps to success for me. (not to be confused with real draft beers and 12 step programs. I believe that is another thing entirely, but they may actually be related)
isnt that a scientologist thing?
Did I miss being 100???? Bummer.
I figure it is time to start printing the list.
For fun.
One list.
richard nixons enemy list? i carry it in my wallet.
i think we all carry a bit of that list with us.
Is it Friday yet?
is it someones birthday today?
Happy Birthday Molly!!!!!!!! Hope your day is GREAT! Love you :)
may you be full of cake on yr special day!
on a sad note, JB may have eaten his last doughnut. they keep making me ill.
the previous comment excludes home made halloween doughnuts.
Thank You. Thank You. Thank You.
Happy Birthday Molly!!!!!
i was just reminded that i am going on a trip this weekend! i hope maybe the ppenguins would do me the favor of drafting me a team!
What?? you just remembered???
i was just reminded. hahahaha
happy friday!!!
Happy Friday!!
It appears that the OFFL is breaking up and going down
the small mjo may have to be recruited to be an owner
So who are the teams???
JB where are you going????
what a punk....thanks for the blueberries theyre yummy:)
oh and....not a chance! :)
oh, so i am the punk now! hahahaha
I'm not sure what the teams are now.

Will JB not be at the Pumpkin's tomorrow?
Livy may need to be an owner as well
Did you get the Roadrunner yet???? I'm figuring we should draft right onto one of the sites that'll score for us.
Yeah, no.
We can subsequently enter them into one of those sites, but the Glenwood house is still not on the line.
much to the chagrin of a certian little chap
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